Coburg has the highest incidence value in Germany


With an incidence of 542.9 in 7 days, the City of Coburg achieved the highest value nationally. However, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the incidence value in Coburg has slightly decreased compared to the conference (557,56). At 26, the number of new infections reported is only slightly higher than the day before (25).

As Coburg city spokesperson Louay Yassin emphasized in an interview with the BR, they are currently appealing to the population of Coburg to adhere to existing crown restrictions, if possible even to go further and further limit plus contacts. But there will be no prohibitions.

“You should not shoot with the regulations, you have to maintain proportionality.” Louay Yassin, spokesperson for the city of Coburg

In Coburg, people are currently not only informed through social media and in the newspaper, a loudspeaker truck travels the city again and again and announcements are made on the radio. Recently, the incidence value has decreased slightly.

Nursing Homes as Crown Hot Spots

One reason for the high incidence value in Coburg is outbreaks in two or three nursing homes. These facilities alone represented an incidence value of about 200, according to Yassin. That is why it is particularly bitter that you cannot start vaccinating in the other nursing homes. “We would have liked to start today, everything was ready for use. Now we hope it starts tomorrow.”

Delayed start of vaccination in Upper Franconia – Coburg is also affected

Because despite the high incidence value, no one in Coburg will be vaccinated against the coronavirus on Sunday, as the start of vaccination is delayed in many municipalities in Upper Franconia. The Upper Franconian government has been in talks with the Biontech company since morning, said Kulmbach district administrator Klaus Peter Söllner (Free Voters) in the BR interview. The reason for the delay is problems in the cold chain. It is currently being verified whether vaccinations can still be carried out without hesitation.

Vaccination started in the districts of Bayreuth, Bamberg and Forchheim

Only in the Bamberg district is vaccinated today (December 27, 2020), everything is going according to plan. Starting Monday (December 28, 2020) vaccinations will begin everywhere in Upper Franconia.
