Club boss shoots DFB – “total undesirable development”


The DFB has had a difficult year. In sports, things went wrong and off the field there was much criticism of the work of Oliver Bierhoff and his team. Now the head of a Bundesliga club adds.

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Club president Dirk Zingler (56) of the Bundesliga’s Union Berlin has harshly criticized the DFB and, in particular, director Oliver Bierhoff. “Unfortunately, our overall organization paints a catastrophic picture. Not just in terms of staffing problems in recent weeks and months, but simply through the path that has been taken,” Zingler said in an interview published Friday on AFTV, the Köpenicker’s television club. .

“We have to give the football of the German team back to the people. What happened there was a complete mistake for me, and I blame Oliver Bierhoff for that, who wanted to make a mark with the German team,” Zingler said. One cannot accept the fact that the DFB’s selection, from Zingler’s point of view, is primarily geared towards “television schedules and brand policy.” “We have to take countermeasures because I think negative development in the German Football Association has a negative impact on club football,” Zingler said.

“Total loss of connection with the real football fan”

The Iron Chief feels a growing alienation. You could also lose 6-0, like in November against Spain, but you would have to face it differently. “There is no talk about the effect it really has on football fans. It is discussed in terms of sports, and that basically shows me that some men from the German Football Association have completely lost their ties to football fans,” he criticized. Zingler. .

The official is also not surprised that the fans of his club are no longer cheering for the team. “I can’t imagine that someone who likes football here at Alte Försterei wants to watch a national team match live right now. Because that no longer has anything to do with why he really became a football fan, “Zingler said. .
