Closing in MV: No fireworks on New Year’s Eve | – news


Status: 16.12.2020 5:12 am

On Tuesday, the state government of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania approved the strict state ordinance on the crown. Stronger rules apply from now on.

Thus, the country is tightening the reins of the crown pandemic. Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) said Tuesday night that there would be no year-end parties. Fireworks cannot be set off in public spaces. The only exception are the so-called fireworks for children. The Minister of the Interior, Torsten Renz (CDU), has announced fines: up to 100 euros for firecrackers in public spaces. Anyone who drinks alcohol in public places also faces a fine of up to 100 euros. Anyone who sells alcohol aggressively should expect a fine of 500 to 1,000 euros. There will also be other stricter controls, and shopping tourism between Germany and Poland, for example, should be avoided. The state government also wants to re-evaluate the situation after Christmas and decide on new contact restrictions on New Year’s Eve depending on the infection rate.


The Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig (SPD), at a press conference in Schwerin.  © NDR Photo: NDR

33 min

The MV state government has passed a stricter state crown ordinance. Prime Minister Schwesig and Interior Minister Renz explain the details (recording of the press conference). 33 min

Christmas only with the main family if possible

In addition, stricter quarantine regulations will be applied to returning travelers who have spent Christmas in risk areas and were not with their families. The nuclear family includes spouses, registered partners, life partners, children, parents, siblings, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, grandparents, and great-grandparents. These are also the only people who are allowed to come to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania from other federal states for a Christmas party during Christmas. So the son of Schleswig-Holstein, for example, can visit his mother in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Unfortunately, distant relatives and friends cannot come this year.


Manuela Schwesig

7 min

Retail will be closed as of December 16. Manuela Schwesig explains more details in the interview. 7 min

Higher tightening possible with increasing number

Additionally, there is a risk of tighter contact restrictions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania if the seven-day incidence exceeds the 100 mark over several days. Then the stricter spring rules apply again, according to which gatherings in and out are only allowed with your own home and one person outside the home. The Health Ministry determines the beginning and end of this regulation, according to Prime Minister Schwesig. So far, members of two households have been allowed to meet, a maximum of five people in total. Children up to 14 years old do not count.

Hardware stores are closing, florists will stay open

Hardware stores also have to close in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, as do many other stores. Florists, on the other hand, must remain open. Schwesig again asked everyone to stay home if possible and to avoid unnecessary contacts. The situation is still serious. The most important thing is long distance and mouth-nose protection.

Weddings and funerals are still possible

Weddings are possible for up to ten people, funerals for up to 20 people. Children’s and youth sports are also prohibited. All measures must be incorporated into a new state ordinance that has yet to be drafted. On Tuesday, the state parliament dealt with the regulations: They are strict, but essential to protect people’s health. This is seen by the majority in parliament, made up of the SPD and CDU and the left-wing opposition faction. The AfD spoke out against the general measures.

Majority in state parliament backs the measures

Overall, a large majority in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state parliament supports the tightening of protective measures against the rapid spread of the corona pandemic decided by the federal and state governments. With votes from the SPD and CDU coalition, as well as the left-wing opposition faction, parliament called on the government in a special session on Tuesday to implement the weekend’s resolutions into state law. Contacts should be further restricted, among other things, by closing many stores. Hotels and restaurants remain closed, 7th graders have had to go back to school from home since Monday in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

More information

Schwerin: The entrance to a restaurant in the city center is cordoned off with two stools.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Jens Büttner

Everything you need to know about the crown restrictions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which have been extended until January. plus

Schwesig: The situation is dire

In her government statement, Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) had previously again defended the stricter crown measures. He appealed to citizens on several occasions: it is now the responsibility of each individual to adhere to the rules and thus reduce the number of new infections. The number of new infections is alarming, the number of deaths is sad. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania could not accept these numbers and these destinations. The situation is very serious, stressed Schwesig. The number of new infections should be reduced. The head of government asked that contacts be limited to the essentials even during the Christmas season, despite the ample opportunities to visit families. In early December, it was shown that the “main drivers” of the contagion process in the country were private meetings. Schwesig said 44 percent of infections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania originated in the family. In this environment, it is up to everyone to reduce the risk of infection by restricting contacts.

Tense situation in hospitals and nursing homes

Also in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the situation in hospitals is now tense, said the Prime Minister. Learn from other federal states: Waiting too long can get things out of hand, says Schwesig. 17 percent of the infections occurred in the elderly and nursing homes. That is why there are now mandatory tests and visit restrictions. Schwesig assured that the houses would not be closed again. He also expressed understanding for the concerns of companies that are affected by the closures and have to accept the loss of sales. However, the state is trying to provide support with extensive assistance. He criticized the delays in disbursement by the federal government.

More information

Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, speaks at a special session of the state parliament.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Jens Büttner

So, the members of a household can only know one other person. More news about corona on the blog. plus

Crown in MV

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Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, speaks at a special session of the state parliament.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Jens Büttner

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Crown: You should know that


Smartphone-Tastatur.  © iStockphoto Photo: Krystian Nawrockii

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NDR 1 Radio MV | The news | 12/15/2020 | 8:00 pm.

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