2020 was not a very happy year for Andreas Scheuer. Not only because of the commission of inquiry into the toll debacle, which constantly raised new doubts about the Federal Minister of Transport. There was also the mess around the catalog of fines for traffic violators. And now? Scheuer (CSU) is also experiencing a cookie debacle.
What happened? Last Monday, Scheuer bought 3,000 bags of Christmas cookies and delivered them to the clinic in her Passau constituency. A thank you for the “incredible work” of the clinic staff on the corona pandemic, Scheuer said at the press conference, where he was photographed with the plant manager, medical director, director of nursing, and an overloaded cart of cookies in front of the hospital.
Those in charge of the clinic “were delighted with this gesture,” wrote the Passauer Neue Presse. And the bakery Scheuer had bought from also praised the minister for not getting the baked goods “easy and cheap at the grocery store,” but in the region. As a result, Scheuer landed “valuable jobs” in times of crisis.
And then just a day later? Suddenly, one of the bags of cookies was standing in front of the door of the CSU office in the Scheuer constituency in Passau. “Cookies do not help the overburdened nursing staff. Everyone applauds, there is praise in the Bundestag, but no one has accommodated us in the last collective negotiations, no one has improved care,” said the head of the clinic’s staff council, Rüdiger Kindermann, on Bavarian radio. Also, the staff doesn’t have time to eat cookies anyway. The head of the personnel council, Kindermann, personally brought the cookies to the party office and attached a letter explaining the return to Scheuer. The minister wants to comment on the return in a single sentence: “I wish Mr. Kindermann a lot of love for Christmas.”