Climate: “The coldest air mass possible” will arrive in Germany: the drop in temperature is imminent


Germany expects a drop in temperature, the reason: the “coldest possible air mass, which we can get this season”, is approaching us.

  • The weather in Germany * was exceptional in April.
  • May begins extremely changeable again.
  • According to forecasts, from frost to summer weather and heavy thunderstorms, everything is included.

Update May 8, 3:44 p.m.: The warm weather is taking sun lovers outdoors these days. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, things are getting tough in German parks. But that mild temperatures cheat: it could already be saturday Storm See, on Sundays hail storms are possible. On Monday, at the start of the Ice Saints, you can even expect snow.

Icy Arctic Air It is currently adrift towards Germany. What reports The cold front sweeps across the North Sea. That’s him “coldest possible air massthat we can get at all this time of year, “he reports In line with the Ice Saints, a temperature drop is announced for next week. The transition to this will probably start over the weekend.

Thunderstorms can already happen on Saturday. Also for Sunday severe storms announced The foothills of the Alps are particularly affected, but also in eastern Germany. But it shouldn’t stop there. The Air storm It is displaced by cold air in southeastern Germany early Monday morning. Monday the Snow line then it sinks from the mineral mountains to the Black Forest at low altitudes.

Weather: The first days of heat are approaching, then experts warn of “great blow”

Update May 8, 10:49 a.m. Than Weather stays in May changeable after a little heat Weekend May 8-10, the Temperatures across Germany early next week down to 10 degrees Celsius. Although temperatures rise again during the week, it’s not really summery. Also in the second fortnight of May The climate will continue to be variable throughout Germany. Frosty nights but it should belong to the past.

Update May 7, 10:36 am: The coming weekend promises something summery Temperatures. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), Saturday temperatures range from 20 to 25 degrees. On Friday, up to 27 degrees are possible.

A first sample of the Summer? Not entirely, because Sunday is already starting Climate change in. In the south they are Mother’s day again up to 25 degrees possible, while temperatures in the north can drop. But Sunday also brings a “big round of applause,” as reports. Consequently, it will be windy and much colder, a foretaste of Monday when daytime temperatures range between 8 and 14 degrees. As DWD reports, there could be “prolonged rainfall” in the south, the snow line falls from 800 to 400 meters.

Climate: temperatures should drop dramatically: air mass limit even brings snow

May 6 update: Wednesday is mainly friendly throughout Germany. But if you already want to clean winter sweaters at these summer temperatures, you should be patient. It can even snow again in the happy month of May.

With some exceptions in northeast Germany with warning level 1, the German Weather Service (DWD) shows on Wednesday Green for Germany Consequently, the clouds form in the northeast half towards the afternoon, but for the rest of Germany it remains “slightly cloudy, still dry”. The maximum values ​​are between 13 and 20 degrees.

Should warm up every day during the weekend, also reports But already at the weekend, temperatures should drop dramatically again. In time for himIce saints From May 11 to 15, a minimum on Scandinavia and a maximum on the Atlantic are already on Sunday icy polar air To Germany

In the next week, where the cold air from the north meets the warm air from the south, it can become a call Air mass limit come. Beneath that, the snow line could even sink into the valleys. Until now, there is still speculation about whether this air mass limit will form and where

Meteorological experts announce the “coldest night”, but the situation changes

Update May 5 at 9:18 a.m.: Just before Germany can sunbathe again, the weather today feels a little sad. In South clings Sun according to
DWD all day back thick Clouds hidden and there are some in the Alps strong Tremble. There are also some dense in the east Cloud cover and showers.

Only in the west can you enjoy the sun a little more today. Prevail brilliant Temperatures between 11 and 15 degrees. At night it is very cold again and we can wait until -6 degrees. Aloud will be the colder Night all week Tomorrow the blade will slowly turn to summer and prevail much Sun with only loose clusters. The maximum values ​​can reach up to 20 degrees.

Climate of Germany: the Ice Saints still do not let the summer work

After summer briefly continues into the weekend, explosive thunderstorms continue on Sunday Decline the Temperatures. Ice saints are still not really in control of the summer. Starting next Monday, rainfall and frost will be announced again.

Climate of Germany: first frost on the ground, then in summer: the change follows “explosive weather conditions”

First report of May 4, 2020: Munich – The impression that the weather is getting a little crazy is getting stronger. The long-term forecast had already predicted this, so far it should have been correct. And May could also be extreme, extremely changeable.

At the beginning of the week, the weather in Germany is very volatile. Everything is possible, from heavy clouds to rain and sun. So, however, there is a new trend.

New climate trend in Germany: summer is back

Then it is Summer in Germany definitely on the rise. However, sometimes it can also be too violent. Electric storm * Come because the humid summer air reaches Germany. On Monday, the German Weather Service is already warning of strong thunderstorms for the southeast and northeast of Baden-Württemberg. Summer heat and drought are expected, especially in the north.

In the coming days, however, Germany will be able to do so again for now. Summer weather happy There is already a lot of sun in the middle of the week. We benefit from the effects of two high pressure areas. In the west and southwest, the thermometer reaches up to 20 degrees on Wednesday.

Thursday also remains calm and summery. The sun shines in most of Germany and temperatures rise from 18 to 25 degrees in the southwest. The summer trend continues on Friday: in Bavaria it will reach 26 degrees.

The weather in Germany is going to be “pretty explosive”, it really blows on the weekends

But after the summer weather there will be an explosion over the weekend. At over 27 degrees, the first lightning storms approach Germany from the west on Saturday. It will be Sunday at the latest“Quite explosive in the weather”explains meteorologist Alban Burster of

A low pressure zone over France is in charge and separates warm, humid air from colder air. Heavy storms can be expected in the transition area between these two zones. According to current meteorological expert estimates, this area will be somewhere in the south or southwest. This can lead to “very heavy rain, flooding, hail, and storm.”

Summer weather in Germany: what does the long-term forecast say?

Especially in times of the corona virus *, which makes vacations in the south * in the summer months unlikely thanks to travel restrictions *, the weather in this country is particularly interesting. There are already forecasts for the summer weather in Germany, rather “shock forecasts” as one expert calls them.


List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Sina Schuldt
