Christmas markets are held, despite the coronavirus | – news


Status: 09/22/2020 6:30 pm – NDR 1 Lower Saxony

Mulled wine and roasted almonds even in Corona times? Christmas markets can be planned in Lower Saxony. At a summit, representatives from the Ministry of Economy and Social Affairs, municipalities and showmen agreed on Tuesday to give the green light to outdoor events before Christmas, but under Corona conditions.

VIDEO: Althusmann adheres to the Christmas markets (1 min)

Reimann: “The number of infections must remain stable”

“I am pleased that there is a consensus with everyone involved and that the Christmas markets, although in different conditions than usual, will be possible. It is clear that protection against infections has the highest priority so that everyone can make it through the period leading up to the A healthy Christmas, “Sozial said. and the Minister of Health, Carola Reimann (SPD). Hygiene concepts and distance rules must be respected. “Also, the number of infections should remain stable for the next few weeks.”

Althusmann: “There will be no crowds”

Before that, Economy Minister Bernd Althusmann (CDU) had campaigned for the Christmas markets. Considering the infection process, the implementation is currently “sensible and responsible,” it said Tuesday. They have a long tradition and existential significance for showmen. Access must be directed. “There won’t be many people,” Althusmann continued. Municipalities must decide on their own responsibility and in coordination with the responsible health authorities how the requirements can be implemented in each case. Alcohol consumption should be restricted no later than 10 pm

The Association of Lower Saxony Cities had also spoken out in favor of organizing Christmas markets a few days ago.

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 09/22/2020 | 12:00 o’clock

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