Christian Lindner: “We are not sufficiently prepared for vaccination”


Germany Christian lindner

“We are not adequately prepared for vaccination”

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“I’m going to get a flu shot, why not Corona?”

The big vaccination begins on December 27. At the end of the year, 1.3 million cans can be injected. Vaccine skeptics fear the vaccine is not mature. However, the new US figures speak for themselves.

Preparations for corona vaccines are in full swing in Germany. Today the vaccine will be distributed nationwide and tomorrow the vaccination will begin. FDP chief Lindner sees a clear need for improvement before the start of corona vaccines.

ORImmediately before the start of the corona vaccines, FDP President Christian Lindner sees room for improvement. “We are not adequately prepared for vaccination,” he said. The FDP would have liked to have a clear legal basis for this, because such important life and death issues should be decided broadly. “In terms of logistics, we should use the resident medical area as soon as possible in addition to the vaccination centers, so that we can move quickly with vaccination.”

“But the third most important requirement is, of course, that we get a sufficient number of doses of the vaccine,” emphasized the president of Free Democrats. Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) made promises here. But: “There is still a lot to do for this to be practically guaranteed. The objective in supply and logistics must be to be able to vaccinate as quickly as possible a large enough part of the population that wants it for themselves. This is also the key to further normalization of life. “

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One day before the start of corona vaccination in Germany, the vaccine reaches the individual federal states today. The federal government has several tens of thousands of cans of Biontech delivered to a total of 27 locations. From there they will be distributed to vaccination centers and mobile teams, which will then administer the first vaccines on Sunday. First, people over 80 years of age should be vaccinated, as well as nurses and hospital staff who are at particular risk.

FDP chief Lindner sees a clear need for improvement to start vaccination in Germany

FDP chief Lindner sees a clear need for improvement to start vaccination in Germany

Source: dpa / Kay Nietfeld

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn will report on the vaccination campaign at a press conference at 11 am in Berlin. He has already prepared the population for possible initial problems: “At first it will give a shake.” In Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet and NRW Health Minister Karl Josef Laumann (both CDUs) want to speak after the first vaccine has reached the state.

The City Council extinguishes expectations – “The ghost is not over”

The German Association of Cities lowered expectations of the start of vaccination. “It has been started, but the ghost with the dangerous corona virus is not over yet,” City Council Chairman Burkhard Jung (SPD) told the Funke media group newspapers (Saturday). The infection situation remains worrying today and the time for mass vaccination has not yet come. “Initially there is very little vaccine for this,” said Jung, who is also the mayor of Leipzig.

According to a YouGov poll, around two-thirds of Germans want to get vaccinated. 32 percent of those surveyed said they wanted to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Another 33 percent are determined to do so, too, but still want to wait and see the possible consequences of vaccination for others. 19 percent have decided not to get vaccinated, 16 percent are still undecided.

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By the end of March, between 11 and 12 million doses of vaccines should be available. Since the preparation has to be administered twice, this amount would be sufficient for approximately 5.5 to 6 million people. Spahn assumes that he will be able to make a “vaccination offer” to all citizens in Germany for the summer, provided other preparations are approved. In addition to the vaccine from Biontech and its US partner Pfizer, the drug from the US company Moderna is currently playing a role and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) plans to decide on its approval before January 6.

The number of new corona infections also remains high around Christmas. The Robert Koch Institute reported 25,533 new infections and 412 more deaths on Christmas Day. The numbers are only partially comparable to the values ​​of the previous week. The RKI expects fewer tests and fewer reports from health authorities during the holidays. Last Friday, with 33,777 new infections, a peak was recorded, but this included 3,500 late reports. The peak of 952 deaths was reached on December 16.
