“Christian duty”: Söder calls for an increase in the intake of Moria


yesAyern Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has spoken out in favor of accepting more immigrants from the burning Greek camp of Moria than had previously been planned. “I just think it is feasible for Germany without any problem, as there is still a significantly higher proportion of people, young children and family members,” explained “The right questions” in the “Bild” talk. Germany should “substantially increase” its participation.

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) announced on Friday that Germany would host 100 to 150 minor refugees “in a first step”. The camp on the island of Lesbos, which was home to 12,000 people, caught fire on Wednesday night.

Söder said that from his point of view it was a personal Christian duty to help in such a need. “Germany has to make a substantial contribution here. That is feasible and feasible, I don’t see the big problem there ”. The coalition will now talk about it.

At the same time, he emphasized that migration policy must be resolved at the European level and that Germany must not do it alone: ​​”What we cannot do: go back to 2015, without rules, without ideas.”

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The party committees of the CDU and the SPD meet in the morning to deliberate periodically. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to decide on the admission of more migrants before Wednesday’s cabinet meeting. In this context, she was in coordination with Seehofer, Merkel said on Monday, according to participants at the CDU presidium meeting in Berlin. The federal government continues to fight for a European solution.

According to this information, Merkel is also planning a meeting with mayors of Germany who are campaigning for the reception of refugees. But there is no date yet, she made clear. Several participants in the CDU meeting had stated that some cities and districts wanted to host migrants, but then the mayor would not find accommodation for asylum seekers. Something is contradicted here.

According to the participants, Health Minister Jens Spahn told the presidium meeting that the refugee crisis should not be repeated in 2015. You have to help people. “But helping people means helping on the spot, not bringing everyone to Germany,” he said, according to participants. Spahn warned against a solo German effort. Care must be taken not to re-divide the EU.

Esken awaits an offer from the Union

SPD leader Saskia Esken asked ZDF on Sunday night to record a decision on the admission of a high four-digit number of migrants from the Moria camp this Monday. Esken declined to specify what “a high four-digit amount” actually means. By popular understanding, it would be a number well above 5,000. She expected an offer from the Union parties that would make a coalition committee unnecessary, she said.

When asked about the voting behavior in the Bundestag, where the SPD, together with the coalition partner, has so far rejected opposition demands for a broader refugee admission, the party leader said: ” If the CDU / CSU does not abandon its lockdown, then we have to think about other steps. “

On Monday, Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that the government wanted to work a position in 48 hours.

Women queuing for food separately from men on Lesbos

Women queuing for food separately from men on Lesbos

Among other things, the Social Democrats are calling for quick local help, the admission of more refugees than the 150 children who have been decided, and more commitment from the government for a European solution. In Europe, it is not always only “case by case” what is needed, structural regulation is needed that specifies clear action, according to Scholz.

It is now important, in close cooperation with the Greek government, to provide swift humanitarian aid to defuse the human tragedy on the ground. Speed ​​is essential. At the European level, the SPD demands that it is no longer accepted that refugees block the solution of the problem of distribution.

CDU politicians reject “ultimate demands”

NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet and several other prominent CDU politicians rejected Esken’s request. “Final demands are never good in a coalition,” Laschet said Monday before the CDU leadership began deliberations in Berlin. This is a humanitarian issue and a global solution. That cannot be measured in three or four digit numbers. Saar Prime Minister Tobias Hans warned against rash actions and party political tactics.

Laschet said that it was necessary to ensure that in future the admission was regulated by the European reception centers, and that Greece would also have to support this. This would lead to an orderly migration system and the protection of the EU’s external borders. But that means you need a fresh start on the Greek islands. If Germany could make an even bigger contribution here, “it would be nice.” North Rhine-Westphalia offered admission to about 1,000 immigrants.

Hans said it was not a party decision, “it is the federal government’s job to announce that we can find a solution in Europe.” The image should not always emerge that only Germany is willing to do something here. But the German part in a solution must be an important part. “We are a strong country in the EU.” Saarland will also participate, he said. “But I am not in favor of quick action, not for political party tactics, but for a humanitarian solution from Europe for the people.” Hans added: “So far what has been achieved in Europe has not been convincing.”

Many in the Union fear that large numbers of people will receive a signal with a pull effect: the more that are accepted, the more will follow or be encouraged to flee in the first place. If Germany did so alone it would be “completely wrong”, said deputy chairman of the parliamentary group Thorsten Frei (CDU) WELT. “If Europe were to have the impression that Germany is ready to act alone in the event of a crisis, then we can forget a common European solution to the problem of migration in the future,” said the president of the conservative group of the EPP in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber. on the ARD show “Anne Will”: “We must not repeat the mistakes of 2015.”

Göring-Eckardt open to solo national efforts

Annalena Baerbock, president of the Greens, called for the immigrants from Lesbos to be withdrawn from there immediately and show a more European and more German commitment. She did not want to repeat an earlier Twitter statement of her, which was understood to mean that the 12,000 migrants from Moria should come to Germany, even after repeated inquiries. The leader of the parliamentary group of the Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, spoke in WELT in favor of acting alone in an emergency: “In Germany, many cities and municipalities are ready, the capacities are there. Germany must act now and welcome those seeking protection. “

On the island of Lesbos, 300 of the 12,000 migrants moved into a newly built replacement tent camp over the weekend after the Moria camp was likely destroyed by a fire last week. Radical immigrants tried to prevent others from going to the new camp. They want to be taken to the mainland so they can move further north: “To Germany,” as local journalists were told. Thousands of people live on the streets, including families with children, without shelter, sanitary facilities or running water. Three-quarters of former Moria residents are Afghans (77 percent), a much smaller proportion from Syria (eight percent) and the Congo (seven percent).

The leader of the FDP, Christian Lindner, proposed a migration summit of the federal, state and local governments to determine the capacity to accept refugees in Germany. At the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Monday) he asked Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to address the issue.
