Charlie Hebdo trial: accomplices found guilty


reThe Paris jury found the 11 accomplices of the Islamist murderers of January 2015 guilty on Wednesday. After more than 50 days of trial, the judges confirmed the complicity of the accused in the murders in the editorial office of “Charlie Hebdo” and in hostage-taking in a Jewish supermarket. The suspicion of the terrorist organization could only be based on six cases: Mickael Pastor Alwatik, Amar Ramdani and Willy Prévost and the three defendants who fled. The main defendant, Ali Riza Polat, was sentenced to 30 years in prison. Amar Ramdani was sentenced to 20 years, Mickael Pastor Alwatik to 18 years, Willy Prevost to 13 years and Adelaziz Abbad to 10 years. Six other defendants have been jailed for four to eight years. You can appeal the sentence.

Michaela wiegel

The verdict was followed in the courtroom by the survivors and relatives of the thirteen people who died in the terrorist attacks of January 7, 8 and 9, 2015. The presiding judge regretted that only a procedural error would have led to failure the anti-Semitic character of the hostage-taking in the Jewish supermarket could be taken into account. He said terrorist Amédy Coulibaly “most likely” wanted to attack a Jewish school, but the intervention of the traffic police Clarissa Jean-Philippe prevented her from doing so. The choice of the victims – journalists, policemen and citizens of Jewish faith – “testifies to the will to spread terror,” said the judge.

Killer’s Friends

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin called the process “historic.” With the verdict, “the cycle of violence that began in the editorial offices of Charlie Hebdo,” wrote editor-in-chief Laurent Sourisseau under his stage name Riss on Wednesday. that you have this extremely lively newspaper in your hands, six years after the massacre, “he wrote in the final issue of the trial.

The main defendant was Ali Riza Polat, 35, convicted of “accessory to murder”. He was cleared of suspicion of belonging to a terrorist organization. Polat was friends with terrorist Amédy Coulibaly, who shot and killed a policewoman in Montrouge and took customers hostage at a Jewish supermarket in Porte de Vincennes, killing four of them.

After the terrorist attacks, Polat tried to escape to Syria through Lebanon. The man with Turkish-French citizenship had repeatedly caused a stir during the trial. He had to be repeatedly called to order by the presiding judge.

Proud of drug trafficking and weapons

The process had to be interrupted after he and other defendants fell ill with Covid-19. After returning to the courtroom, Polat complained of persistent nausea. However, an expert opinion concluded that he could negotiate. Polat ostentatiously lay down on a bench or spat into a bowl several times. On the last day of the trial, he said that he couldn’t apologize for something he hadn’t done. He denied knowing of his friend’s terrorist plans.

The other defendants, who, like Polat, sat in a glass box in the courtroom, also claim that they have nothing to do with terrorism. Most of them did not deny being involved in arms or drug trafficking. Some even proudly said how well they earned. Only one of the eleven suspects present, Christophe Raumel, is no longer in custody.
