Chaos is just a preview


For fear of a crown mutation, France is closing the borders, there is chaos in Britain. This can also be understood as a show of power, the pressure on Boris Johnson in the Brexit dispute is growing.

These are the images many Brexit pessimists feared. Hundreds of trucks are parked on the British coast, borders are tight, nothing is moving towards the mainland. But the reason is not Britain’s exit from the EU or the failure of negotiations for a trade agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom. France and Germany are blocking border traffic for fear of a new mutation of the corona virus that was discovered on the British island.

Dover: Trucks get stuck at an exit to the Port of Dover.  Once the port has closed, the trucks queue up to leave.  (Source: dpa)Dover: Trucks get stuck at an exit to the Port of Dover. Once the port has closed, the trucks queue up to leave. (Source: dpa)

However, the current status of the crown is closely related to the ongoing post-Brexit negotiations. Stagnant freight traffic, looming delivery bottlenecks in Britain and concerns for the British economy are examples of what threatens the country from January. That’s why the border closures aren’t just a crown measure, they also increase pressure on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to be more willing to compromise on the Brexit dispute.

But how far are the EU and the UK from reaching an agreement? What is blocking a trade agreement and what influence does the current situation of the crown have on the negotiations? An overview:

What are the post-Brexit negotiations about?

Britain left the EU on February 1, 2020, but the country will remain in the EU internal market and in the customs union until the end of the year. According to the EU Parliament, the time for timely ratification of the trade agreement has already expired. It is also conceivable the provisional application of a possible agreement in the coming days to avoid the serious economic consequences of a chaotic Brexit.

What would be the consequences of a no-deal Brexit?

A “no-deal scenario” is looming, with tariffs and other trade barriers at the borders with the UK becoming a reality from 1 January. Cutting travel connections between Britain and the rest of Europe due to fears of the spread of a mutated variant of the new corona virus already provided a preview on Monday. Despite Brexit, the European Union remains the UK’s most important trading partner.

In short: on the island there is a fear of economic chaos, especially on the island many companies are not prepared for such a scenario. The consequences are incalculable.

Were the reactions to Britain’s new crown mutation too harsh?

Of course, many countries are concerned that the coronavirus will spread faster; one particular mutated variant fuels this fear. But the French reaction to cut off British ports and trade with the island can also be seen as a show of force. The message to the British government: Great Britain is, after Brexit and without an agreement, only a third country, that is, a country with which there are no contractual agreements.

France has already announced that it will loosen barriers for travelers from Great Britain from Wednesday. Apparently London’s planes, ships and Eurostar train can be operational again. The British still have reason to be upset: the World Health Organization (WHO) and many experts announced that the mutated version of the corona virus has already been discovered in Australia, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United States. There were no travel bans in the countries. Y: Actually, there was an agreement in the EU that travel restrictions or border closures should no longer be decided in an individual national effort; Germany and France, among others, have ignored this.

London: After the rapid rise in corona infections and tighter government measures, many Britons are trying to leave the capital during Christmas.  (Source: AP / dpa)London – After the rapid rise in corona infections and tighter government measures, many Britons are trying to leave the capital at Christmas. (Source: AP / dpa)

Brussels reacted coldly. The EU Commission called on member states to lift strict travel bans to and from Britain. “Bans on air and rail travel should be suspended in view of the need to guarantee essential travel and avoid supply chain disruptions,” the Brussels authority said on Tuesday.

How did Britain react to the blockade?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a diplomat and appealed in a speech to the “friends” of the EU to allow the movement of goods as soon as possible. He cited why the risk posed by a trucker sitting alone in his cab is manageable.

The intensity of the international reaction is said to have taken the British government by surprise: Behind the scenes, the London Times reported, Downing Street was furious at France’s decision to halt channel freight traffic. It was stated that the lock should be used as a lever in the Brexit negotiations. France and especially its president Emmanuel Macron have long been identified by British tabloids as the villain in the fight for a Brexit trade pact. In any case, the blocking of the movement of goods is putting pressure on Boris Johnson to accept a deal at Brexit Poker. Because even in the current situation, British supermarkets fear bottlenecks at Christmas.

Does Brexit have an impact on the fight against Corona in the UK?

Yes. Although the UK was the first country to start vaccinating, Brexit threatens bottlenecks in healthcare. The new immigration rules would deter nursing staff, the transportation of drugs and medical technology could be in jeopardy, according to the study published Tuesday by the group of health experts “Nuffield Trust.” The industry is also affected by the weak economy and obstacles to investment in science. “The dangerously uncertain future Britain will face at the end of the Brexit transition period could endanger the UK health and care system.”

A man demonstrates against Brexit in January 2020: leaving the EU has divided Britain.  (Source: AP / dpa)A man demonstrates against Brexit in January 2020: leaving the EU has divided Britain. (Source: AP / dpa)

“Public health could be directly aggravated by a prolonged economic slowdown leading to lower living standards and higher public spending,” the study said. “These risks would hit the most vulnerable people first.”

What are the main points of contention about the Brexit Pact?

The main points of contention in the negotiations for months have been fair competition, control of a future deal and access to British waters for EU fishermen. While significant progress had recently been made on the first two hotspots, the fisheries issue remained difficult to the end. The details concern reductions in catches allowed in British waters for EU fishers and the length of a transition period for their introduction.

Are the Fishing Talks Failing?

Fishing is one of the problems that blocks a deal. But responsible politicians on both sides would find it difficult to sell their stocks if the trade pact fails over fish, especially given the economic consequences of a no-deal Brexit. It is therefore not surprising that a fisheries agreement is emerging.

Consequently, the fishing rights of EU trawlers will be gradually reduced by 35 per cent over a period of five years. The British would still have the opportunity to bring their fish to the European market duty free. This should be accompanied by the possibility of Brussels introducing tariffs in the event that the British further restrict the access of EU fishermen, but only at an independently determined level.

How could it be a compromise on fishing?

A former member of the British negotiating team described what a compromise would look like in a guest article for the “Politico” news portal. Raoul Ruparel, once an adviser to Prime Minister Theresa May, made a name for himself last year when he correctly predicted the compromise for the exit deal.

Negotiating circles said that both sides were getting closer “in slow motion”. Fishing is only a relatively small branch of the economy: the Ifo Institute in Munich estimates the total value of EU catches in British waters at around € 520 million. But it has great symbolic and political significance for EU coastal states like France. Also for Britain it is a central issue of Brexit and national self-determination.

What role does Boris Johnson play in poker?

On the one hand, the British prime minister must conclude a trade agreement to protect the economy. On the other hand, by making concessions to the EU, you also run the risk of breaking up its party. The Torries are divided on their relationship to Brexit, Johnson campaigned for the “Get Out” campaign and has since been supported by the “Brexiteers” in his own ranks on his way to the top of the state. If you lose that support, your position of power will be in jeopardy and the UK government will collapse.

Dover: Coast Guard officers are handing out water bottles to truck drivers on the M20 after the port of Dover closes.  (Source: dpa)Dover: Coast Guard officers are handing out water bottles to truck drivers on the M20 after the port of Dover closes. (Source: dpa)

Johnson himself is seen as a weak or indecisive leader in the crisis. His opponents in his own party accuse him that his decisions would always depend on who was last in office. Furthermore, the Prime Minister would have to reorganize his government in terms of personnel. The Brexit process was completed in January and now it is politicians who are advocating reconciliation with the EU and a good relationship. Johnson has to distance himself from “Brexiters” if he wants to minimize the damage to his country from leaving the EU. It is going to be complicated.

Will there be an agreement?

Indeed, Britain and the EU cannot afford a no-deal Brexit, especially in this Corona period. However, the likelihood of a no-deal Brexit remains high at the moment, even if previously unthinkable compromises suddenly become possible down the stretch.

But the negotiations will remain tough and will continue to move slowly, even if the EU and Britain take their time, which in reality they no longer have. In the end, Britain will have to move further, the British government is in the weakest position, and the EU wants to show toughness and set a warning example to leave the EU. This is also currently possible through images of hundreds of trucks not coming from the British Isles to mainland Europe. A preview of the impending chaos of January.
