Chaos in the crown test: a special route in Bavaria not sustainable? Söder now indicates a change of course


The number of corona cases is increasing threateningly in Germany. In Bavaria, laboratories are reaching their limits. Is Markus Söder changing the test strategy now?

  • In Germany lift the Corona infections despite the stricter rules.
  • Work at Bayern threaten your Capacity limit reach.
  • Prime Minister Markus Söder now indicates the Special Free State Trail interrogation.

Update, Monday, November 9, 1:54 pm: At the moment, Markus Söder obviously wants to stick to the Bavarian model of “free trials for everyone and as many times as you like”, despite all the arguments to the contrary (summarized for you below in the article). He stated this at a recent press conference.

“If someone feels symptoms, they should have the opportunity to get tested,” says Söder. The solution of staying home for a week before taking a test would unnecessarily cripple the economy. Söder expects faster testing to resolve capacity issues and to be able to perform priority testing quickly.

Markus Söder is against RKI’s recommendation for crown testing. The test strategy will be the topic in the cabinet on Tuesday. Söder speaks at a press conference.

Chaos in the crown test: is the special route in Bavaria no longer sustainable? Söder now indicates a change of course

Original article from Sunday, November 8 at 20:03: Munich – Germany is on the “lock light *” and yet the Coronavirus case numbers * they continue to be fast. A nationally threatening mark was recently surpassed. The Robert Koch Institute reported Saturday 23,339 new infections. About a fifth Bayern.

The pandemic is particularly rampant in the Free State. At Munich, capital of the state the incidence value falls on 160.35 away in the high risk area. Meanwhile, the large number of infections cannot be treated Bavarian special test as explained in detail by the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation.

Corona tests: Bavaria is taking a special route, now Markus Söder suggests a rethink

Bayern It is directed No after national strategy of the RKI, but guarantees all citizens a free trial if they so wish. No specific justification is required. “The state expects citizens to do a lot, so the free trial is a service for citizens. Concerned people gladly accepted the offer.“Explains the prime minister Markus Söder now in the mirror “but we’ll see how capabilities develop in the coming weeks. “

Coronavirus in Bavaria: “Laboratory overload”: testing strategy no longer sustainable?

the offensive test strategy It was very important for Bavaria as a transit country, emphasizes Söder, who of course is not putting this field to the test without good reason. the Laboratories in the Free State they are on the edge. “The corona test strategy practiced so far unfortunately leads, as I fear, to an overload of laboratories.“, Gerald Quitterer, president of the Bavarian Medical Association, complained on Friday in an interview with the Munich Mercury.

“We have to see now whether the capacities are sufficient as the number of tests increases“Wants country father South Wait a bit before you find one Change of course decide. Germany must act united now, he continues, but does not specify it.

Chaos in the crown test: change of course in Markus Söder? Other federal states are already helping Bavaria

It is conceivable that Bavaria does more Testing in other federal states “Outsourced”. “Thank God, the state government also allowed us laboratories outside of Bavaria order and we have been doing this for several weeks“, Reveals Bernhard Wiegel, laboratory physician and president of the Bavarian regional group of the professional association of German laboratory physicians of the AZ”,These partners help us, ideally they are from federal states where Corona is not so strong.

About him nationwide testing approach field managers will probably not arrive later than Nov. 16 advise. But above all face the next Meeting peak crown again pressing into space. The Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haselhoff, suspects stricter rules in some areas. Only that Use of intensive care beds in German hospitals it is a big concern at this time. (moe) * is part of the Ippen publishing network.

Rubric List List: © Peter Kneffel
