Challenging the count: Trump fights alone


reOnald Trump is fighting on two fronts: against Democrat Joe Biden and against democracy. According to him, the latter works in such a way that after the election all the votes are only counted when it could deprive his competitor of a victory. For months, actually years, Trump paved the way for his plan to dismiss disgusting election results as “fake news” and then let handpicked judges compile the ruler’s alleged wrong decisions. His first speech and his numerous post-election tweets were consequently combative. But otherwise?

The more time passes, the clearer it becomes that this sinister Trump plan is evidently the same as with so many of the president’s plans: fortunately, he has not created the conditions to be able to implement it. Where are the Republican governors, senators or deputies who add to your song of great electoral fraud? Where is the great protest movement that warns on the street that their supposed victory is being “stolen”?

So far, only his sons and a handful of notorious figures from his kitchen cabinet have been on board, from conspiracy theorist and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani to former ambassador to Berlin Richard Grenell. The Fox News station, which has defended or glorified Trump so many times, also gives preference to democracy over Republicans.

And if it were different: even in the days of a politicized judiciary, it can be assumed that the American courts would not simply cancel hundreds of thousands of votes even under pressure from “the street.” What Trump’s people criticize in detail does not add to the millions of voter fraud they claim. In the election Trump found even more supporters than in 2016. That cannot be fully explained without noting the widespread disregard for democracy and its institutions. If looks aren’t deceiving, at least you know the limits.
