Celebrity Big Brother (Saturday 1): Climbing? Former candidate with a mystery ad


Although Udo Bönstrup’s time with “Celebrity Big Brother” is over, he could report on the grand finale of the Sat.1 show with a scandal.

  • Udo Bonstrup sat in this year Container „Promi Big Brother“.
  • After being there already with a provocative gesture attracted attention and caused a sensation, had to leave the Sat.1 show comparatively early.
  • Now, with the support of his friend, the former camper could “Knossi“But of all things for the great Final the tv show with a violent Scandal report.

11.48 pm: And the winner is sure – and without any scandal. Was it just empty words or did the attempt fail? We don’t know that. Only one thing is for sure Winner of “Celebrity Big Brother” read: Werner Hansch! This makes him the oldest reality show winner.

Update on August 28 at 11.10 pm.: So far there has been no scandal, but two have already had to go: Not Kathy Kelly. And in her last speech, Mischa wanted the audience to call Werner. Three former candidates were completely absent from the final.

“Celebrity Big Brother”: Will Udo Bönstrup cause a scandal in the final? He makes a mysterious statement

Cologne – Was he a scoundrel or has he? Udo Bonstrup really big behind the ears? Fact is the first “Promi Big Brother” -Kandidat He seems to love provocation and is reluctant to bite into his words. Udo not only during his time at the Sat.1-Container caused a stir with his often very primitive demeanor, now he seems to be fighting for something similar again after his departure. To make matters worse, the 21-year-old has apparently also found a brother in spirit who is still in the infant stage, because along with Buddy “Knossi” the self proclaimed comedian seems to be great “Promi Big Brother” -Finale In front of the cameras, moderator Jochen Schropp caused upset in the semifinals for the next TV-Eklat want to worry.

“Promi Big Brother” (Saturday 1): former camper Udo Bönstrup caused a first scandal in the TV container

How to be such Scandal evoked, Udo Bönstrup seems to have gained at least experience in this. In the end, he managed to turn some viewers against him with his obscene gesture in the “Celebrity Big Brother” container, and in the end even one Shitstorm for the whole of Saturday 1 to evoke. But that’s not all, because after moving from Germany’s most famous TV container, the former camper is evidently planning the next one, to put it mildly, jokingly. You could get the support of someone of all people who also likes to put the level of his jokes way below the belt: the Youtuber „Knossi“.

Former “Celebrity Big Brother” candidate Udo Bönstrup phoned Youtuber “Knossi” after he moved out of the Sat.1 container, and he’s not planning anything good

The two of them just shot a video together The telephones they talked and exchanged frivolities. The two of them had a good quarter hour of conversation with some bad guys. Sharpen against Udo’s ex Fellow camper from “Celebrity Big Brother”, first of all, it was about Emmy Russ, which should not be reproduced here in all its verbal splendor. Only up to a point: Udo hardly lets anyone have good hair. But then the supposed climax: Udo and Knossi enter yours “Lustigen Big Brother” – Talk in the big End of the show Sat.1 speaking, and audibly failing to measure up to the good stuff.

“Celebrity Big Brother” 2020: Former camper Udo Bönstrup and his friend Knossi cause a big TV scandal at the live show of the grand finale?

“On Friday we will just tear down the house”says Knossi with a view to the latter, crowning a Live TV competition program and specifies: “We will go home after the show.” The YouTuber reveals that he has already tried jumping the fence, but to no avail: “There is a story of how it takes me back,” he laughs. Knossi talks about his own fun and continues by recounting how he was in the “Moving in Show” for “Celebrity Big Brother” just “done shit.” Now it seems, along with Udo Bonstrup wanting to repeat: “We will appear on Celebrity Big Brother on Friday“, Knossi announces, before his friend corrects him: “We are running there.”

Either way, be it enema or casserole, hopefully the two of you don’t get even more backward in your demeanor, because at some point the jokes under the belt are no longer fun for anyone. But what exactly are the two of them planning, whether it will be quite funny after all or if the two of them are hampered in their plans in the end, will be revealed on August 28, 2020, when that grand finale of “Celebrity Big Brother” running. Then it will also show what the meeting of Katy Bähm and Simone Mecky-Ballack looks like after the ongoing discussion. Who knows, maybe the nomination scandal where residents were scared of Katy could be a problem again or others were intimidated by her. (lros)
