CDU’s action against clan crime is now a case for the public prosecutor


Diagnosis: total loss. The Berlin CDU wanted to draw attention to the topic of clan crime with a funny action on Herrmannstrasse, and it earned ridicule and malice for it. Now even the police are investigating the party!

by Axel Lier and Stefan Peter

CDU head of state Kai Wegner (48), who wants to run as his party’s main candidate in next year’s parliamentary elections, had invited the open-air press conference on Thursday morning. Between Silbersteinstrasse and Hertastrasse he presented the plan of action against the criminal clans.

While he and Neukölln’s health advisor Falko Liecke (47, CDU) were talking, a party employee parked a yellow Lamborghini behind them. With lots of bullet holes stuck and the saying “Criminal clans belong to Netflix. Not on the streets of Berlin ”. License plate on Italian sports car: “Bye Bye”, but without test label or stamp from the registration authority.

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A little later, a tow truck stopped and hitched the Lamborghini. When the first photos of the public relations campaign went online, there was criticism and ridicule.

“The CDU puts more effort in staging its policy than in seeking technical depth in the fight against organized crime or clans,” said FDP member Bernd Schlömer (49) about the BZ Si resorts to the fighting crime, it will fail in the area of ​​internal security. “SPD interior expert Tom Schreiber (41) said:” Simply disgraceful! “

The leader of the left-wing parliamentary group Carsten Schatz (50) al BZ “The Berlin CDU seems to see politics only as a spectacle, there is no other way to explain actions like today’s in Neukölln. Fortunately, the great CDU show isn’t on Netflix yet; I would definitely cancel my subscription. “

CDU's top candidate Kai Wegner and Neukölln city councilor Falko Liecke (Photo: Stefan Peter)
CDU lead candidate Kai Wegner and Neukölln city councilor Falko Liecke (Photo: Stefan Peter)

But even the police intervened!

Because with a fake license plate made by yourself (“Bye Bye”) you cannot participate in public traffic. The traffic investigators of Directorate 5 have already handed over the case to the prosecution. “Now we have to verify possible criminal responsibility,” said a spokesman for the BZ authority.

Accusation: misuse of license plates. “We also did not find an entry for this action in our event database,” the police spokesman continued.

But that’s not all – the bright yellow Lamborghini with the (wrong) bullet holes caught the eye of the police in Sonnenallee. They stopped the tow truck and questioned the driver. This was confirmed by the BZ police.

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Later, someone filed a complaint against the CDU on the police online portal for license plate misuse. Now he is being processed by section 55. Schatz, leftist politician: “The CDU tries to present itself as a defender of law and order; Then it should be a matter of course to adhere to the rules of the constitutional state! “FDP MP Schlömer:” It definitely shows that you don’t take law enforcement so seriously; what a fatal signal sends a party demanding compliance everywhere and demanding tough penalties for violations, but not even meeting its own requirements. “

That’s what the CDU says about the action.

And what does the CDU itself say? In the evening, state manager Dirk Reitze informed the BZ: “The press campaign, which was scheduled to last a few minutes, made it clear how we envision our demand for a greater asset recovery in practice. To do this, we rent a car and stick it in the vicinity of the place “.

The politician continues: “The vehicle was transferred a few meters to the place, already with an event license plate, to keep the license plate out of the report.” Reitze emphasizes: “If you have broken the law yourself, you have to admit it. This is, of course. We have full confidence in the police and the judiciary.”
