CDU Saxony-Anhalt does not require a mask at the state party conference


DessauOne hundred CDU delegates gathered without masks at the golf park over the weekend. The participants of the state conference of the CDU Saxony-Anhalt party sat in a room. The politicians chose the leader of the party and government Reiner Haseloff (67) as the main candidate for the June state elections. On the homepage of the CDU Saxony-Anhalt it says unchanged: “In this difficult phase we can all make our contribution: the less we meet, the faster the risk of infection decreases.”

In Dessau, the following applies at this time: facilities such as parks, museums, cinemas and restaurants must remain closed despite the hygiene concepts presented. Furthermore, it says on the official website of the state of Saxony-Anhalt: “Citizens are urged to reduce contact with other people outside their own home to the absolute minimum necessary. The number of households from which other people come should be kept as constant as possible. In addition, private trips and unnecessary visits, including family visits, should be avoided. “

The fact that CDU politicians, led by Angela Merkel, are now meeting without a mask for a state party conference, despite these requirements, is a source of strong criticism. Bundestag and FDP MP Wolfgang Kubicki (68) told the Bild-Zeitung: The fact that “obviously no mask requirement was enforced” in the party congress does not fit “at a time when policy makers they are also imposing the strictest restrictions on fundamental rights in the CDU. “

Halle FDP councilor Torsten Schaper told the Du bist Halle portal: “Someone would say that there are no feasible hygiene concepts. The CDU is finally showing the way. Can trade in Saxony-Anhalt be reopened on Monday? There you can also carry out quick tests and distances “.

Photo: MDR

The state party conference of the CDU Saxony-Anhalt at the weekend. Many of the participants renounce the protection of their mouth and nose.

Junge Union regrets: Unfortunately, not all participants wore masks

SPD legal expert Florian Post spoke of double standards, telling Springer-Blatt: “In other places, schools, cinemas and pubs don’t even open with an incidence of 35. But the CDU is even at the incidence value of 85 without mask or distance. Politics played with any credibility ”. And the head of the FDP Christian Lindner (42) said, according to the image, if you can protect yourself, then “not only in the party congress, but also in retail and catering.”

The Union Junge’s Wittenberg district association wrote when a user asked on Twitter if all the participants had worn masks during the event: “Some, but unfortunately not all (unless the minimum distance could not be maintained). However, you only had access with a negative test result, it was issued and you kept your distance. “
