CDU presidential candidate: Merz against accepting refugees from Greece or Bosnia


Germany CDU-Vorsitz candidate

Merz against accepting refugees from Greece or Bosnia

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Refugee drama on Lesbos doesn’t stop at Christmas

“Even animals have more rights in the EU than we do.” With these words, the refugees from the Kara Tepe camp on the Greek island of Lesbos delivered a letter to the EU Commission. Their tents are sinking in the mud, electricity and toilets are in short supply.

Friedrich Merz speaks out against the admission of refugees from camps in Greece or Bosnia. Europe must enter into agreements with countries of origin or transit to prevent illegal and life-threatening migration.

reThe president of the CDU, Friedrich Merz, has spoken out against the admission of refugees from camps in Greece or Bosnia. “Above all, the entire European Union has an obligation to help refugees in the Balkans or on the Greek islands there,” he told the Funke media group newspapers. “However, this humanitarian catastrophe cannot be solved by saying: everyone comes to Germany. This path is no longer open. “

Europe must enter into agreements with countries of origin or transit to prevent illegal and life-threatening migration across the Mediterranean into countries of origin. “The clear message for both refugees and smuggling organizations must be: it is life threatening and it will not succeed,” Merz explained.

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He came out in favor of more consistent deportations than in previous years. However, until further notice, Germany will not be able to deport to the extent that it is really necessary. In the case of Syria, for example, there are legal, humanitarian and factual obstacles, for example because there are no air connections or open land routes. “Deportations to Syria, therefore, will only be possible in individual cases.”

The previous ban on deportation for Syria expired in the previous year because the countries’ interior ministers could not agree. SPD ministers wanted to expand it without restriction, Union ministers no longer wanted to rule out a widespread deportation of serious offenders. Each case must now be examined individually.
