CDU policy Karin Strenz dies: member of the Bundestag dies on return flight from Cuba – politics


The deputy of the Bundestag Karin Strenz, from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania died, according to information from Tagesspiegel, the CDU politician died at the age of 53 on a flight back from Cuba to Germany. The newspaper “Bild” reported on this first.

Consequently, he initially lost consciousness on the plane. Therefore, the crew decided to make an unscheduled emergency landing in Dublin. At the moment, the background is still unclear; for example, what was the reason for your trip to Cuba. According to the spokesperson for the regional group of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Eckhardt Rehberg, she was traveling with her husband.

The Schwerin prosecutor wants to clarify the exact circumstances of the death by applying for legal aid to Ireland. As a spokesman for the Schwerin authority said on Monday, a death investigation was launched. Based on the information available so far, the exact cause of the 53-year-old’s death is still unclear. “We assume that later there will be an autopsy of the dead in Ireland,” the prosecutor’s spokesman said. With the usual procedure of death investigation in such cases and the application, one wants to get the necessary information from Ireland.

Against Strenz – as against Bundestag member Axel Fischer – corruption investigations in connection with the Azerbaijan affair in the Council of Europe. They should have voted in the Council of Europe on at least one occasion according to the specifications of the Azerbaijani representatives and also campaigned for the interests of the authoritarian country. There is evidence that Strenz received money from Azerbaijan and it is suspected that Fischer also received donations. In early March, Fischer’s offices and apartments were searched.

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Strenz had been a member of the Bundestag since 2009. In the 2009, 2013 and 2017 elections, he won one of six direct terms in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. From 2002 to 2006 and from 2007 to 2009 he was a member of the state parliament in the Northeast. In the Bundestag he last served on the Defense Committee, among other things.

By early 2020 the CDU politician and a former CSU MP had already been registered in connection with the flow of money from authoritarian ruled Azerbaijan. At the time, the Frankfurt prosecutor spoke of some four million euros that had flowed through British mailbox companies and Baltic accounts between 2008 and 2016.

The investigation was carried out for bribery and money laundering. During the search in January 2020, 16 apartments and business premises in Berlin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Bavaria and Belgium were inspected, including a member of the Bundestag. (Teaspoon, dpa)
