CDU Party Presidency: And at the end of the day, Merz turned to immigration


rea they sit as at a normal table, the three men, at a slightly greater distance from the crown protection, only with water, no rear quarter, but very publicly, in front of the cameras. On the wall is the inscription “Presidency of the CDU: The round of candidates”. Enter a moderator, Tanja Samrotzki. Then Friedrich Merz, Norbert Röttgen and Armin Laschet talk politics for 90 minutes.

It’s laid back, there’s a laugh when Merz says she has four grandchildren and the fifth is coming soon, so the other two can’t keep up. In response to the moderator’s short question about how Röttgen would like to “wake up” Germany when it comes to technology and innovation, he charmingly chimes in and says: “Of course, kissing is always a very nice way to wake up getting mobile. But that’s not enough in this area. “It can be that easy in tough competition. Only once does it get a bit more confrontational later on.
