Cave of the lions: nail polish founder inspires all lions, but after the show the deal fell through


“The lion’s den”
Nail polish founder inspires all lions, but after the show, the super deal was broken

Judith Williams

Judith Williams is fighting in the “Den of the Lions” for a deal with “gitti” – after the broadcast, the investment failed

© Stefan Gregorowius / TV Now

That has never happened in the “Den of the Lions”: Nail polish startup “gitti” receives five competitive offers from investors, and now it does not have a deal. Because after the broadcast, Judith Williams canceled.

“The Lion’s Den” is back, and competition among TV investors in the founding show is tougher than ever. In the first episode of the new season there is a special showdown: the nail polish startup “gitti” is so convincing that all the lions present present a competitive offer. “There’s never been anything the five lions have to offer,” says Carsten Maschmeyer, who even lets the other lioness Judith Williams paint her finger to see the product for herself.

The investment is not exactly cheap: founder Jennifer Baum-Minkus would like to have 300,000 euros for just eight percent of her company. It has developed a cruelty-free, vegan nail polish that does not smell of chemicals and does not contain substances that would otherwise be harmful to health. Consequently, the product is no longer officially called nail polish, but “nail color”.

That even inspires the gentlemen in the investor ranks. “You are a true start-up dream,” praises Maschmeyer. “I see a global brand”, Georg Kofler looks out the window. Ralf Dümmel, Judith Williams and Dagmar Wöhrl are also willing to give him the money on the offered terms, so the 35-year-old founder has plenty of options. Cosmetics expert Williams was awarded the contract; Dagmar Wöhrl was also allowed to join as a junior partner with 50,000 euros.

Nail polish supply exploded after broadcast

So far the spectacular offer of the program. Again Stern found out, the deal fell through later. “After a lively exchange with Judith Williams, this agreement with her did not materialize for a variety of reasons. For this reason, unfortunately, the general agreement, in which Dagmar Wöhrl would also have been involved, was not implemented,” explains the founder Baum-Minkus.

While silent on the motives, Williams reveals that the founder wanted to renegotiate: “After our deal on camera, founder Jenni Baum-Minkus wanted to get a much higher rating in subsequent discussions. That’s absolutely legitimate, but my team and I decided not to, “says Williams zum. Stern. The founder is apparently convinced that she can succeed even without the power of the lion.

Nico Rosberg sits down with Nils Glagau

Nico Rosberg, who inherited the Lion chair from Frank Thelen, is new as an investor. The big battle for nail polish takes place without him (with seven lions for five chairs there are always two breaks), but he is also allowed to show his competitive nature in the first episode. With Nils Glagau, Rosberg engages in a verbal tug of war over a soccer cleat start-up, with the impression that the lions are less concerned with the deal than they are with beating the other lions. “My package is the winning package,” says Glagau. “I can offer you more than the Nile,” says Rosberg. In the end, the founders of Grpstar for Glagau, who causes spontaneous headaches for Rosberg.

As an investor, the former Formula 1 world champion is primarily interested in sustainability and electromobility, which is why the founders of ChargeX, a smart multi-outlet for electric cars, are hoping to strike a deal. But the required investment of a million is ultimately a deterrent even for the determined racing driver, so Rosberg’s first deal with Löwen still has to be awaited.

Cell phone holder for dummies

Meanwhile, Ralf Dümmel has found something suitable for his general store: Flapgrip, a mobile phone holder for every situation (the Stern She tried), whether you want to take Instagram-friendly photos or just drive a car, make video calls, or watch movies. The fact that these infallible best-sellers for action tables in retail always end up in Dümmel drives a fellow lion or two to despair.

Nils Glagau tries in vain with a robbery offer that the Flapgrip founders should accept before Dümmel speaks; otherwise, it expires. And Dagmar Wöhrl, who is really interested in the product, doesn’t even make an offer, but complains bitterly that one of the founders always looks at Dümmel and doesn’t even look her in the eye. “I can’t work with that,” he says.

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