Cave of the lions: explains the founder of Cologne, investors are surprised


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A small company in Cologne has big plans: “We want to revolutionize the chewing gum market,” says Thomas Krämer. The founder of “Forest Gum” dares to do this on Monday night (episode four) in “Die Höhle der Löwen”. Are Investors Biting?

  • “The Lion’s Den”: Thomas Krämer is starting his “Forest Gum” startup.
  • Dagmar Wöhrl, Nils Glagau, Georg Kofler and Ralf Dümmel are enthusiastic about the Cologne product.
  • Will there be a deal between “Löwen” and “Forest Gum”?

One thing is for sure: Carsten Maschmeyer, Dagmar Wöhrl, Nils Glagau, Georg Kofler and Ralf Dümmel will think of “Forest Gum” the next time they chew gum, because “lions” learn some pretty nasty details about the popular “molar cast.”

An innovative product from Cologne (on the market since November 2019) not only wants to change that, but even more: “Forest Gum” wants to make the world a little better with chewing gum. For this, the founder Thomas Krämer needs 300,000 euros from “Löwen” (for ten percent of the shares of the company).

Investors of “Cave of the Lion” are surprised when Cologne explains about chewing gum

However, at first, investors are on the move: “I don’t even know how gum is usually made?” Nils Glagau isn’t sure. “Maybe made from recycled car tires,” jokes Georg Kofler. Not too bad: conventional chewing gum is made from polyvinyl acetates. These are synthetic materials from which automobile tires are made, among other things.

Carsten Maschmeyer and Georg Kofler take plastic-free gum from

“The Lion’s Den”: Carsten Maschmeyer (left) and Georg Kofler take a close look at the plastic-free gum in “Forest Gum.”

“Crazy. I thought it was a joke,” laughs Kofler, a bit surprised by his earlier comment when the Cologne founder explains what gum is usually made of.

“This is not only unpleasant for many people, but also a big problem for the environment,” said Krämer, who explains: “Every year 580,000 tonnes of gum are bought and spit out around the world.” To this are added enormous costs: “900 million euros. Municipalities spend annually on cleaning the sidewalks of chewing gum.”

Ralf Dümmel and Georg Kofler excited about “Forest Gum”

With “Forest Gum”, a plastic-free and sugar-free gum, Thomas Krämer wants to remedy the situation. According to the 40-year-old man, trees in Central America are not damaged during the traditional harvest of chicle, the sap of the pomegranate (for chicle).

Thomas Krämer from “Forest Gum” shows the extraction of chewing gum, the sap of the oat apple tree.

At locations in Central America, Thomas Krämer shows the extraction of gum, the sap of the pearl apple tree.

“I think the first burst of flavor is better than other gums,” says Georg Kofler. “Very minty, but really good,” says Ralf Dümmel. The “Forest Gum” founder was particularly enthusiastic about his comments, as he told EXPRESS before the broadcast: “We were particularly excited about Mr. Dümmel’s reaction: he is an expert in retail and consumer products and has a lot in this area. a strong network. Therefore, we are very happy with such a positive judgment! “

“The Lion’s Den”: Ralf Dümmel, Georg Kofler and Dagmar Wöhrl compete for “Forest Gum”

But is that enough for a deal in the end? In any case, there is no shortage of offers: four “lions” compete for the Cologne product. “We have to bring that to England, to the United States,” plans an enthusiastic Georg Kofler. But: ten percent of the company’s shares are too “insignificant” for him, he wants 23 percent of the shares.

Ralf Dümmel also sees “the opportunity to become a brand in the long term”. He also wants a 23 percent stake in the company, something chewing gum lover Nils Glagau would also like. Dagmar Wöhrl wants 20 percent of the company for an investment of 300,000 euros. A “lion” could bring Thomas Krämer money, reach and faster growth, but are you willing to invest 10 or even 13 percent? “I don’t want to deviate from the offer I made,” he gives investors a clear negative. So there is no deal for the Cologne resident, because that means the “lions” are out.

They don’t take rejection lightly: “You overestimate yourself,” experts agree. Well, if that’s not an error in judgment … (sku, sp)
