
Crown crisis in Germany and Angela Merkel: mom gives little

[ad_1] Know every morningWhat is important. * Data protection notice You can cancel the newsletter by clicking the “Unsubscribe to newsletter” link in the email you received. You can also object to the use of your data for advertising purposes at any time and / or withdraw your consent given …

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White House plans to dissolve virus task force

[ad_1] According to Vice President Mike Pence, the United States government is investigating the dissolution of the high-ranking coronavirus task force at the White House. This could happen in late May or early June and is a sign of “tremendous progress” in the fight against the new coronavirus, Pence said …

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Coronavirus USA: Donald Trump confronted with new horror forecasts

[ad_1] Washington. New horror predictions from new coronavirus victims cast doubt on Trump’s search strategy: Tens of thousands of victims feared in June. Efs Lpousbtu lpoouf hs ÷ àfs ojdiu tfjo / Fstu ejlujfsu = tuspoh? Epobme Usvnq = 0tuspoh? Tfjofs jio sfhfmñaàjh gfjfsoefo Ifjnbuqptujmmf ‘Ofx Zpsl Qptu’ jo efo …

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