
Corona virus live ticker: +++ 02:42 counties criticize rigid guidelines for fighting corona +++

[ad_1] Counties charged with fighting coronavirus on the ground defend themselves against overly rigid guidelines. “Schematic action would be wrong,” says Reinhard Sager, chairman of the German Regional Council, of the “Rheinische Post”. Above all, it criticizes the requirement that loosening across an entire district must be reduced as soon …

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Coronavirus News on Tuesday: Most Important Developments Regarding Sars-Cov-2 and Covid-19

[ad_1] This article is continually updated. Don’t miss a thing: subscribe to our for the latest developments and the most important background information Coronavirus Newsletter. Peace researchers warn of intensifying international conflicts 1:48 am: The director of the Stockholm Peace Research Institute, Sipri, Dan Smith, hopes that international conflicts will …

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