
Vaccines in the EU: Is “Brussels” to blame again?

[ad_1] The EU Commission is in defense mode: could it have ordered more coronavirus vaccines? But the problem lies less in Brussels than in Member States and manufacturers. By Alexander Göbel, ARD-Studio Brussels Since Corona vaccines began shortly after Christmas in Germany, a heated debate has raged, fueled by politics …

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Vaccination strategy: blame in Berlin – politics

[ad_1] Hanno Kautz brought with him a remarkable message. “There is enough vaccine for Germany,” Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) spokesman said at the federal press conference on Monday. Considering many headlines, lawsuits, and complaints in the past few days, this is a surprising announcement. And you will have to …

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Mediation through Kuwait: Saudi Arabia ends Qatar blockade

[ad_1] Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world, but it has been isolated for three years: Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries imposed a blockade. He accuses Qatar of supporting extremists. Now there is apparently a turning point. More than three years after a blockade against Qatar …

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Corona: the federal government and the EU Commission defend their vaccination strategy

[ad_1] Government spokesman Steffen Seibert and Federal Ministry of Health spokesman Hanno Kautz defended the federal government’s strategy for procuring vaccines. Seibert told a news conference that the federal government was behind “this fundamental decision.” “We are convinced that this was and is the right path,” he said, adding: “Yes, …

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