
Belarus: whatever happens next, Putin has won

[ad_1] foreign countries Belarus No matter what happens next, Putin has won Status: 7:37 pm | Reading time: 5 minutes By Pavel Lokshin , Moscow “If Lukashenko increases the pressure, we have to increase the pressure on Lukashenko” Due to President Lukashenko’s actions against the opposition in Belarus, the EU …

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Opposition in Belarus: other government critics arrested

[ad_1] In Belarus, President Lukashenko is sending reassuring signals. But his crackdown on the opposition speaks a different language. The security authorities arrested other activists. In Belarus, the security forces continue to carry out massive actions against the opposition. Now they have arrested the government critic Lilia Vlasova, who is …

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Corona demo: the fatal error of the Berlin police

[ad_1] Tamara K. speaks hoarsely. The alternative doctor from the Aachen area is counted according to SPIEGEL information from the constitutional protection of North Rhine-Westphalia to the Reich citizen scene. Since the weekend she has been the woman who incited a right-wing mafia in front of the Reichstag in Berlin, …

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