
Novak Djokovic: The consequences of the US Open scandal

[ad_1] Am Boden: Novak Djokovic Bild: USA TODAY Sports The whole tennis world is in shock. With an almost unprecedented scandal, Novak Djokovic turns the US Open upside down. This has far-reaching consequences, also for the German Alexander Zverev. AA remarkable dialogue has survived since 2016. Novak Djokovic, angrily, threw …

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More disclosures about your visit

[ad_1] US President Donald Trump reportedly raised his eyebrows on a trip to France because he is said to have called fallen soldiers “idiots.” Now there are more revelations about his stay in Paris. During a trip to France two years ago, US President Donald Trump is said to have …

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China’s chance to conquer Taiwan: fear of an invasion

[ad_1] METERSuppose Donald Trump just loses the presidential election. It does not recognize the result. There is a constitutional crisis and great confusion. This could spark frenzy at the other end of the world, in China, and significantly increase the risk of war for a short period. “Beijing would see …

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If trade negotiations fail: “The pound will lose value”

[ad_1] The British pound has a proud tradition as the world’s leading currency. It is currently under great pressure and the deep drop has been exacerbated by Brexit. This has consequences for the UK economy and for the EU. By Thomas Spinnler, Britain left the EU in January. Now …

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