
Sony Playstation 5: when it comes down, what it costs

[ad_1] Japanese electronics company Sony has announced the launch and pricing of the Playstation 5. The new console will be available in stores on November 12 in the United States, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea. As of November 19, it will be available in the “Rest …

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US monetary policy: Fed wants zero rates by 2023

[ad_1] “The world is not enough” was already known to super agent James Bond in the late nineties. The Hollywood movie title could also carry over to the financial markets these days. The US Federal Reserve announced that it would keep interest rates in the United States at zero until …

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Citizen rebukes Donald Trump: “Let me finish my question!”

[ad_1] by Marc Drewello 16.09.2020, 19:06 hours That doesn’t happen too often to the president of the United States: When Donald Trump tries to interrupt an interrogator during a public discussion in Philadelphia, she vigorously defends herself. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, participated in a “Town Hall …

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This is how MPs react to the AfD’s comments on Moria

[ad_1] Hamburg Scandal in the debate This is how deputies react to the AfD’s “matchstick” statement on Moria Position: 16.09.2020 | Reading time: 4 minutes Parliamentarians react in horror to AfD’s “match” statement on Moria In a current hour, the citizens of Hamburg debate the fire in Moria. With the …

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