
Dispute over indications of origin: homeless honey

[ad_1] The indications of origin on honey jars are sometimes so general that consumer advocates joke that “Origin: Planet Earth” could be written on them. The Honey Association fights back: It doesn’t matter where exactly the bee hums. Many people pay close attention to where the food they buy from …

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Iran: US sanctions execution of fighter Navid Afkari

[ad_1] The fighter Navid Afkari was a popular hero in Iran and his execution caused horror around the world. Washington has now responded to the execution of the death penalty against athletes and imposed sanctions for massive human rights violations. The punishments are directed against the authorities and various representatives …

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Fridays for Future: back to the streets

[ad_1] Recently, the climate movement had been silenced. Now “Fridays for Future” wants to press again. Tens of thousands are expected to take to the streets today for the global climate strike. By Angela Ulrich, ARD capital studio “We’re back! We’re not out of the picture,” Quang Paasch says, his …

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