
United States: Trump fights election results

[ad_1] Donald Trump wanted to invalidate millions of votes. But the president of the United States has suffered setbacks in several states. A Republican now speaks of a “banana republic”. The current president of the United States, Donald Trump, suffered more defeats in his fight against the electoral results. Two …

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G-20 Summit: Trump plays golf, Putin seizes his chance

[ad_1] Ihm it was boring again. As soon as host Saudi Arabia opened the virtual G-20 summit, the incumbent US president released several tweets. Trump’s topics weren’t the deliberations of the 20 largest industrial nations or their fight against the corona epidemic or associated recession. No, Trump tweeted again about …

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Newly formed Eintracht wins one point against Leipzig |

[ad_1] Eintracht Frankfurt faces RB Leipzig with new staff and old courage and is rewarded with a points victory. Changes to Adi Hütter’s starting line-up are taking effect, Aymen Barkok underscoring his ambitions. Audiobeitrag Audio 00:15 min. |11.21.20 Location tag ‘teaser_more_audio_sr’ not found Eintracht challenged Leipzig from a point[Audioseite] Audio …

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