
Longer period for a million dollar deposit: Tesla allowed to continue building in Grünheide – environmentalists are dismayed – Berlin

[ad_1] American electric car maker Tesla may continue to build at its planned factory construction site in Grünheide, near Berlin. Brandenburg has agreed with Tesla a longer deadline until January 15 to pay a guarantee deposit of 100 million euros for possible decommissioning costs, the Ministry of the Environment informed …

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Why the Catholic Church comments on Covid-19 vaccines

[ad_1] “It is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that were developed or manufactured using cell lines from aborted fetuses,” the Vatican announced Monday. This raised a number of questions: Why and for which vaccines are these cell lines used? Has the church changed its mind because of the crown …

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Chaos is just a preview

[ad_1] For fear of a crown mutation, France is closing the borders, there is chaos in Britain. This can also be understood as a show of power, the pressure on Boris Johnson in the Brexit dispute is growing. These are the images many Brexit pessimists feared. Hundreds of trucks are …

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