
Pregnancy and Crown – CleanKids Magazin

[ad_1] Covid-19 VirusHealthHealthPregnancy What expectant mothers and prenatal doctors should know: tell the ultrasound experts Pregnant women are concerned not only with their own health, but above all with that of their unborn child. These concerns are particularly great during the Corona pandemic. But according to the current data situation, …

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The negative consequences of crown measures for health

[ad_1] Crown measures decided by the federal government and federal states succeed in crushing the curve for new crown infections, but the restrictions harbor other health risks, with long-term consequences in some cases. 19 percent have already gained weight 38 percent of adults in Germany move less because of this, …

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Podcast: Corona – Helfen im Krankenhaus? Eine Medizinstudentin berichtet

[ad_1] Abonnieren Sie den Podcast bei Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, EarliAudio, Podimo und Deezer. Oder direkt per RSS-Feed. In der Corona-Krise sind viele Krankenhäuser überlastet und auf externe Hilfe angewiesen. Die 23-jährige Medizinstudentin Nele Pfeiffer hat sich freiwillig gemeldet. Seit Anfang April arbeitet sie auf einer Krebs-Station. Im Podcast erzählt …

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Erbgut umfassend entschlüsselt – Naturheilkunde & Naturheilverfahren Fachportal

[ad_1] Herpesvirus in seiner genetische Struktur entschlüsselt Herpesviren des Typ HSV-1 (Herpes-simplex-Virus 1) können nicht nur Lippenherpes, sondern auch deutlich schwerwiegenderen Erkrankungen auslösen. Ist das Virus einmal in den Körper gelangt, bleibt es in einer Art Schlafzustand in den Zellen erhalten und kann theoretisch immer wieder ausbrechen. Einem internationalen Forschungsteam …

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With such pre-existing diseases there is a particularly difficult course: portal for specialists in naturopathy and naturopath

[ad_1] COVID-19: Systematic treatment of people with pre-existing conditions. Infections with the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus have long been known to be much more severe in previously ill patients than in previously healthy people. Certain previous illnesses are obviously particularly dangerous. Specialists point out that special protection is provided to people …

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Marinomed erhält FFG-Förderung zur Erforschung einer SARS-CoV-2-Therapie auf Carragelose®-Basis »AnlegerPlus

[ad_1] Unternehmensmitteilung für den Kapitalmarkt Wien (pta006 / 04.28.2020 / 08: 00) – Entwicklung einer Carragelose®-Inhalationslösung als Therapie für Patienten mit SARS-CoV-2 Infektion – Bereits verfügbare klinische Daten belegen, dass Carragelose® zuvor bekannte Coronaviren und andere Viren bindet, die Atemwegsinfektionen auslösen – FFG fördert bis zu 45% des geplanten Projektvolumens …

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Is the virus transmitted through air conditioning?

[ad_1] Time and again new questions arise about the corona virus, for which there are still no answers. Especially when it comes to Sars-CoV-2 transmission routes. The extent to which air conditioners contribute to the spread of the virus is currently being discussed. There is an alarming message from China: …

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How Tracking Apps Are Supposed To Slow Covid-19

[ad_1] By releasing contact blocks to resuscitate the economy, many await the intelligent help of tracking applications. However, the technical implementation is error prone and presents the risk of misuse. SARS-CoV-2 has become a global pandemic because the virus is faster than health systems. When a patient feels the first …

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