
Chancellor Kurz announces a tough blockade for Austria

[ad_1] ORAustria is trying to control the runaway second wave of the corona pandemic with another extensive shutdown of public life. From next Tuesday through December 6, there will be extensive 24-hour exit restrictions. All stores, except those for basic supplies, must close, as well as schools and service providers …

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Maker closes – Crown hammer now swings briefly

[ad_1] Still a role model in spring, now a troubled child: Austria’s Federal Chancellor Kurz corrects Corona’s course and decreed an emergency stop amid a “soft” lockdown. The price of a political odyssey. Sebastian Kurz doesn’t like to do that and wants everyone to know about it. For the second …

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Intensive care unit fire: Covid-19 patients die in flames

[ad_1] Piatra Neamt – Ten seriously ill Covid-19 patients died of severe burns Saturday night at a hospital in the northeastern Romanian city of Piatra Neamt. The fire had broken out in the intensive care unit, where a total of 16 patients were artificially ventilated. Seven other people suffered severe …

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Bakery employees could not wash their hands

[ad_1] Traces of hepatitis A discovered on a light switch There was a major outbreak of hepatitis A in Dummerstorf, in the Rostock district. As the district explained on its home page, a bakery should be at the center of the spread of the infection. 23 infections had been confirmed …

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Victory after crown chaos: DFB team wins without enthusiasm

[ad_1] Saturday, November 14, 2020 The German soccer team beat Ukraine to take the lead in their Nations League group. National coach Joachim Löw had declared the match at the end of the experimental phase before Euro 2021. After several crown cases in the Ukrainian team, the game was questionable …

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Victory after crown chaos: DFB team wins without enthusiasm

[ad_1] Saturday, November 14, 2020 The German soccer team beat Ukraine to take the lead in their Nations League group. National coach Joachim Löw had declared the match at the end of the experimental phase before Euro 2021. After several crown cases in the Ukrainian team, the game was questionable …

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