
In Berlin there is already talk of the “hot wine line”

[ad_1] Panorama Advent in the pandemic In Berlin there is already talk of the “hot wine line” Stand: 13:08 | Reading time: 3 minutes Infection figures in Saxony soar The number of corona infections in Saxony is increasing rapidly. Therefore, the cabinet advises tightening the measures, following the example of …

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RKI prioritization: Corona vaccination in six stages

[ad_1] The Permanent Commission on Vaccination recommends vaccinating the population in a fixed order. She designed six categories for this. Who belongs to which group and what happens next: an overview. By Dominik Lauck, What categories are used to determine who will get vaccinated first? The Standing Commission on …

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Crown crisis in Germany: stricter measures in sight

[ad_1] If the number of new infections does not drop soon, Health Minister Spahn is also in favor of stricter restrictions. Stores could close again. The Robert Koch Institute reported 14,054 new cases. Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn believes that stricter contact restrictions are necessary if the high number of …

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