
Ministry of Defense: Assault rifle retired

[ad_1] reThe Ministry of Defense canceled the contract for the new German armed forces assault rifle to the Suhl-based company CG Haenel due to alleged violations of the public procurement law. Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) had this reported to Defense Committee officials on Friday. This was preceded by complaints from …

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Michael Wendler: Kaufland’s behavior is hypocritical

[ad_1] opinion Corona conspiracy video Kaufland’s dealings with Wendler are simply hypocritical Status: 1:47 pm | Reading time: 2 minutes Now Wendler’s hit star spreads crude conspiracy theories What’s wrong with the Wendler? Only the outing in Germany looks for the superstar and now crazy conspiracy theories about the crown …

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US Presidential Authority: Democrats plan the law

[ad_1] Friday, October 9, 2020 The president of the United States, Trump, is infected with the corona virus. Does that affect your official business? If the Democrats have their way, that question will be scrutinized and answered in the future by a committee. A corresponding law is already planned. Democrats …

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Trump and Biden: Hickhack on TV duel

[ad_1] Trump’s crown disease ruins the programming of television debates: Biden initially favors a postponement, but wants to stick to the date of the last duel. But Trump doesn’t want that, and certainly not a virtual meeting. A dispute has broken out between the political camps in the US over …

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US Vice President: Number Two in the Spotlight

[ad_1] Pence or Harris: Their television match draws a lot of attention because future number two could soon become number one. In any case, it depends on the deputy in crucial situations. By Reinhard Baumgarten, SWR The position of vice president of the United States is “the most insignificant position …

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