
2020 U.S. Elections: Decision Time

[ad_1] Wolf Blitzer, CNN commentator: “Now we can announce the winner of the presidential race.” After days of hanging around, CNN was the first broadcaster to venture out of coverage. Moderator Wolf Blitzer announced Joe Biden’s election victory at 11:25 am local time on Saturday. Wolf Blitzer, CNN commentator: “This …

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It is not finished yet!

[ad_1] He lost the election, even if he doesn’t want to see it. What will happen to Donald Trump, who has been removed as president of the United States? There are already initial ideas. Of course, he does not resign like a statesman. He repented of the fraud, demanded that …

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“He wants to lead everyone to the abyss”

[ad_1] Something is changing President Trump is furious, but the US media no longer wants to convey that without comment. His accusations of fraud after the elections go too far for many. A new tone is set. Photo series with 30 images “Twitter is out of control” is what the …

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Joe Biden’s plan for transition

[ad_1] “We don’t wait to get the job done,” Joe Biden said that night in Wilmington, Delaware. He stood alongside Kamala Harris, who will become his vice president, and was unable to announce a victory on the third day after the US elections. Again he urged calm and patience, again …

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The media is losing patience with Donald Trump

[ad_1] Something is changing President Trump is furious, but the US media no longer wants to convey that without comment. His accusations of fraud after the elections go too far for many. A new tone is set. Photo series with 30 images “Twitter is out of control” is what the …

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