
Karl Lauterbach is in favor of a longer shutdown

[ad_1] Before the exchange conference between prime ministers and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach spoke out against easing the crown conditions imposed for November. “I assume that we will have to extend the closure of the breakwater because the effect is weaker than calculated,” said the …

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School operations are “at high risk”

[ad_1] VBefore the change conference between Prime Minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel, the focus is on the debate on how to deal with schools in light of the record number of infections. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach spoke in favor of keeping schools open in any event, but cautioned against …

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Biden wins presidential election with 306 voters

[ad_1] reNewly elected President Joe Biden won 306 voters in the election, according to television stations, significantly more than the 270 needed to win. CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS predicted on Friday that Democrat Biden would have won the state of Georgia and current Republican Donald Trump in the state …

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