
Mood hit again: Wall Street fears new trade dispute

[ad_1] Elon Musk complains that Tesla’s stock price is too high and the market responds quickly. Many other papers also fall. On the one hand, this has to do with profit taking, on the other hand, with Donald Trump’s recent statements about China. Fear of an outbreak of the conflict …

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Amazon in the crown boom: high sales, high costs

[ad_1] Flourishing Internet commerce and burgeoning cloud services are giving Amazon strong business growth in the Corona crisis. However, Amazon also has high expenses. That reduces the profit. Revenue increased 26 percent year-over-year to $ 75.5 billion in the first quarter. However, Amazon also has high expenses due to the …

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Lufthansa – State Aid Dispute: The Bankruptcy Lantern

[ad_1] The rescue of Lufthansa by the German state is said to involve aid of around ten billion euros. As SPIEGEL learned from negotiating circles, € 5.5 billion will flow in the form of silent participation, for which the federal government requires a guaranteed dividend of nine percent. It also …

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Asklepios: gives Corona’s younger patients an idea

[ad_1] = tqbo dmbttµ # bsujdmf“mpdbujpo #? ibncvsh / ‘octq´ = 0tqbo? Ef Ibncvshfs = tuspoh? Lsbolfoibvt.Lpo {fso Btlmfqjpt = 0tuspoh? ibu xjf boefsf Lmjojlfo .2: = 0tuspoh? {V cfiboefmo – bvdi ejf- ejf = tuspoh? Joufotjwnfej {jojtdi = 0tuspoh? cfusfvu pefs = tuspoh? cfbunfu = 0tuspoh? xfsefo newfo / …

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