Catalonia: thousands demonstrate after the removal of the head of government


In the midst of the crisis of the crown, the conflict in Catalonia could be rekindled in Spain. Late on Monday night, thousands of people across the region protested against the removal of their prime minister Quim Torra by the Spanish judiciary.

According to media reports, 500 to 1,000 people gathered in Barcelona, ​​among other places, to march to the Parque de la Ciutadella in front of the regional parliament. They stoned the policemen with firecrackers, garbage bags, stones and also with pigs’ heads. They also set fire to the garbage containers. According to the information, the spontaneous demonstration dissolved around 11 pm There were also protests in other parts of Catalonia.

Previously, the Spanish judiciary had deposed Prime Minister Torra for disobedience. The Supreme Court of Spain (TSJ) confirmed the corresponding ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia last December in Madrid, according to which Torra will not be able to hold public office for a year and a half.

The background for this is a legal dispute from last year: the 57-year-old man refused to remove the symbols of independence from the seat of his government in Barcelona and other public buildings before the Spanish parliamentary elections on April 28, 2019, although the electoral authority had ordered it.

Separatist parties and organizations call for protest

He was later convicted of “disobedience” and deposed. Torra had appealed against him and was allowed to maintain his position for the duration of the process.

The TSJ has now unanimously confirmed the sentence. Torra’s refusal to have a “separatist” banner “repeatedly and stubbornly” be removed ignored an order from the electoral authority, the judges said. The sentence will take effect immediately, Torra must immediately cede his position to his deputy, Pere Aragonès, he said. Torra was also fined 30,000 euros.

Observers fear that the impeachment of Torras amid the crown crisis and three years after the illegal independence referendum on October 1, 2017, will lead to a new and dangerous escalation of the conflict in Catalonia. Several separatist parties and organizations called protests. In Catalonia there is now great uncertainty, commented the Spanish state television channel “RTVE”.

Icon: The mirror
