Car – Angry VDA boss: So diesel and gasoline are de facto banned! – Economy


The EU Commission’s plans to introduce the most stringent emissions standard of all time from 2025 are met with fierce opposition!

“With the introduction of the planned EU7 standard, the EU Commission will de facto ban cars with combustion engines from 2025,” Hildegard Müller, president of the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), told BILD.

The Commission wants to stipulate that in future a vehicle must remain virtually emission-free in all driving situations, whether with a trailer uphill or in rush hour urban traffic.

“That is technically impossible and everyone knows it,” Müller continued.

► Until now, an average value for a vehicle was applied in every conceivable driving situation. With the envisaged standard, which Ursula von der Leyen wants to adopt in 2021, all values ​​should apply in the future. Furthermore, the new limit values ​​should only be as high as the current measurement tolerance.

Müller: “If these considerations prevail, it will be impossible for citizens to drive a car with a combustion engine. It would be more honest if the EU Commission were open to your idea of ​​a ban and not hiding behind technical rules. Then there could be a democratic discussion. “

Hildegard Müller, Präsidentin des Verbandes der AutomobilindustriePhoto: VDA

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Hildegard Müller, President of the Association of the Automotive IndustryPhoto: VDA

Just days before the automotive summit at the Chancellery on Tuesday, the head of the industry association was unusually sharp. Müller: “If the EU wants to eliminate people’s cars with gasoline and diesel, it must also describe the alternatives.”

Brussels sees the focus on electromobility. However, so far there has been a lack of sufficient charging infrastructure for new electric cars across Europe.

Petrol and Diesel Vehicle Passenger Vehicle Emissions - Infographic

VDA President Sees German Jobs At Risk

“With its project, the EU Commission ensures that new, clean cars with combustion engines cannot go on the market. So older vehicles are more likely to remain in inventory, desirable inventory rollover is avoided for all non-electric vehicles. With these plans, the EU is mainly affecting countries like Germany. Modern car production is one of the few value chains that we still have entirely in Germany. “

Their fear: Many regions of federal states such as Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Saarland, Saxony, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia would have to face a massive loss of jobs as a result.

Müller: “Instead of a ban, we need innovations and investments in eFuels and fuel cells. The problem is not the combustion engine, but the fuel. “
