Capitol: Donald Trump supporters and the failure of the Washington Police Department


“You could have blown up the building. You could have killed us all. ” Lindsay Graham is stunned. The South Carolina senator was until recently one of Donald Trump’s most prominent supporters in the House.

When it comes to the political decline that made the attack on the Capitol possible, the Republican would do well to hold back and point the finger. But Graham’s analysis of the facts is painfully accurate: all those charged with defending the Capitol would have failed.

On Wednesday, a group of supporters of the current president (racists, right-wing extremists, fanatics of the conspiracy) temporarily took control of the headquarters of Congress. Trump supporters who stormed the building in undemocratic efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s legitimate election victory sat in the seats of the Senate and House of Representatives. Meanwhile, elected representatives huddled in secure rooms, calling on the governors of neighboring states for help.
