Cancer and Parkinson’s? Kremlin denies rumors of illness


Is Russian President Putin seriously ill? A British tabloid fuels the rumors. But the denial follows immediately.

For a few days, an alleged Kremlin infiltrator has been fueling rumors that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin suffers from two serious illnesses. He reported in the British tabloid “Daily Mail” that Putin had cancer and Parkinson’s and that he would soon announce his resignation. This should be done in January. A successor has to be determined: his daughter Katerina Tikhonova.

The Kremlin has now denied the rumors: Spokesman Dmitri Peskov described them as nonsense, and the president was in excellent health. Putin, 68, was absent from a major hockey event on Saturday that the Kremlin chief normally does not miss, as the Frankfurter Rundschau has arranged, but shortly after he took journalists around his studio and did a long one. Interview given.

Vladimir Putin has been the head of the Russian government on and off since 2000, whose term is really limited. After a constitutional amendment, Putin could theoretically remain president of the country until 2036.
