Canada: the mysterious Santa Claus surprises the city with cash gifts


A mysterious anonymous Santa Claus surprised hundreds of Canadian citizens with generous gifts of money and poems. “When I woke up this morning, I found a very large gift card on my door. Apparently my whole neighborhood got one too, “Edmonton’s Leigh-Ann MacNaughton wrote on her Facebook page about a photo featuring a poem of hope and solidarity:” I cried all morning. “

According to local media reports, around 400 residents of the city received envelopes with a shopping voucher worth 250 Canadian dollars (160 euros) on Christmas Eve. Elisha Tennant, who lost her job in the wake of the corona pandemic, told CBC broadcaster that she, too, had tears for the generous gift. “It’s so heartwarming and heartwarming that someone should do something like this,” he said. “For us that means a month’s purchases.”

CBC contacted the sender of the gifts by email. “I did this because I know a lot of people have had a really difficult year and because I could afford to help,” the anonymous benefactor responded. “I hope the gifts have made people feel that the world is good and that there is a better future not too distant.”

Icon: The mirror
