Call to church with conspiracy theory – politics


The conservative Cardinal Müller signs a text message with other clergymen who spread strange theses about Covid-19. He warns of the “creation of a world government that is out of control.”

German cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, along with other conservative clerics and intellectuals, signed an “Appeal to the Church and to the world to Catholics and to all people of goodwill”, which among other things questions the risk of Covid-19 infection .

The signatories complain that “under the pretext of the Covid 19 epidemic” civil rights, such as the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression, will be restricted. In the style of conspiracy theorists, they scrap forces that are interested in causing panic among the population to “permanently implement unacceptable forms of limiting freedom and associated control over people and the persecution of all their movements.” This is the prelude to “creating a world government that is out of control.” Furthermore, without warning, they warn against “being treated with vaccines made of aborted fetuses.”

The call was initiated by Carlos Maria Viganò, once an apostolic nuncio to the United States and a proven opponent of Pope Francis. The prefect of the Congregation for Services, Cardinal Robert Sarah, said on Twitter on Friday that he shared the “concerns” of the appeal but had not signed it. Sarah and Müller had already harshly criticized the cult ban. Pope Francis, however, asked the Italian bishops for caution.

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