Call of Duty Warzone: Thanks to a smart fanatic, everyone becomes a cheat hunter


  • Peer Schmidt

    ofPeer Schmidt


Many cheats in Call of Duty Warzone are destroyed by cheats. But now there is a trick with the help of PayPal, which ends scammers and hackers.

  • Call of Duty Warzone is that Battle royale Decoupling Modern war.
  • Activision and Infinity room have with many Cheats and Hackers in War zone for fight
  • A Reddit User has one Trick found the Cheat and severely handicapped providers.

California – Call of Duty Warzone is the one Battle royale Activision Publishing Call of Duty Modern Warfare Launch California and from developer studios Infinity room and Raven Software. More than 50 million players have registered. War zone downloaded in the last few weeks, but more and more Cheat and Hackers disrupt the fun of Call of Duty fans. Now you have one Reddit User found a way Cheats to make life difficult

Call of Duty Warzone: Activision is getting more and more negative comments

Many fans of Call of Duty Warzone complain to Activision and Infinity room over the many Cheat and Hackerswhich gives them fun to play Battle royale drink. Although I had Infinity room Announced in a blog post some time ago to address this issue, but success has yet to be achieved.

I just confirmed. We can fight cheat makers – go after your money. from r / CODWarzone

Rather, calls for one Anti-cheat softwarelike other developers like Riot Games Vanguard with the new Tactical shooter Valorant is getting stronger.

From the Player partially hopeless, a fan has found his own way Cheats and especially the distributors of the Cheating and hacking software to make life difficult

A cheat recently even gave Infinity Ward advice that can help them find cheats and hackers faster.

Even with failures Activision War zone problems. Players cheat by missing between the walls and then shoot other players without being hit.

Call of Duty Warzone Cheater – Player instructs against cheats and traffickers

Reddit user TNGSystems gives detailed instructions on how to do it. Cheats and traffickers in Call of Duty Warzone and other games may be out of control. The first solution is Paypal. Many hack and cheat retailers offer fast and hassle-free PayPal payments. However tolerates Paypal there are no providers of Cheats and hacks and this is where your first trick begins.

Report Paypal addresses to the online payment platform. Cheat Providerfor this to Paypal being blocked The result is that the cheat provider has to find another payment method and waste a lot of time and money because many users are used to using it. Paypal to turn off

Call of Duty Warzone player offers another trick against cheat providers

Course they’re looking Cheat Provider other options his Cheats and hacks for Call of Duty Warzone of Activision and they often offer the opportunity later Cryptocurrency to pay many Cheat I don’t have an account for Cryptocurrency and how it is associated with some effort, because Bill You must authorize cryptocurrency providers and this also takes some time. The price for one To cheat It is also higher due to the effort and fees of an account with a cryptocurrency provider.

In Credit card providers you can do the same, by the way, because these are also punished if they serve to Cheat or hack sites offer

So TNGSystems idea is not so bad, because when every angry player comes out Call of Duty Warzone instead of complaining to Infinity Ward or Activision write, cheat pages and searches PayPal addresses Paypal, then probably more than complaining to Activision.

But there are also some very fun moments in Call of Duty Warzone. A Reddit user has seen a bug that turned his gun into a dog. Call of Duty fans celebrate the video, though Infinity Ward certainly won’t be thrilled that they need to fix another bug. Meanwhile, a new contract ensures War zone for a lot of attention

Image of rubric list: © Activision / Reddit
