You are from England. He’s stuck in the Hannover airport transit area.
And because the authorities fear they will bring the mutated form of the corona virus to Germany, they should spend the night with their toddlers and babies in cribs!
Now German travelers from Britain are asking for help!
“Hello, we are here at Hannover airport. They hold us against our will! Thus begins the dramatic cry for help from the UK to the German public.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/einreisen-am-flughafen-hannover-endung-dass-man-sie-endet-iegen-laesst-c0113c3d11a2444cb5e181f50b76f69c-74558980/Bild/5. bild.jpg “/> People entering Hannover airport demand to be finally let goPhoto: Private
WHY: Because a mutated form of the corona virus was discovered in Britain, which is up to 70 percent more contagious than the already known variant of the virus, the federal government has decided to stop flights from Britain from midnight . A federal police spokesman said that all who enter will be “offered a corona test.”
But the fact is: neither foreigners nor Germans can leave the transit area of Hannover airport! And long before midnight there were heartbreaking scenes at German airports!
“We have been tested, but we are not allowed to leave the airport,” continues the woman with her desperate call for help. “There are people here with a small baby. There is a new positive side. We should all be in a room now so that we all really get the corona virus. “
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/statt-eineswillkommen-in-deutschland-gab-es-fuer-einreisen-ein-feldbett-im-transitbereich–a262daabf2a0441d8c9fba9ce1702f431-7455897 / 5455897 .bild.jpg “/> Instead of a “Welcome to Germany” there was a folding bed in the transit area for those entering the country.Photo: Private