California: the slow end of the combustion engine


The largest car market in the US is wiping out diesel and gasoline: New combustion engine vehicles will not be allowed to be sold in the state of California starting in 2035, Governor Gavin Newsom announced. From this moment on, only new cars that no longer emit exhaust gases can be sold.

Newsom said cars should not help children develop asthma, nor should they melt glaciers or contribute to sea level rise.

The governor’s decision is powerful for the auto industry, as California accounts for 11 percent of the nation’s vehicle sales and, when separated from the rest of the United States, the state is one of the largest economies in the world. world. At the same time, California is not alone with this decision – more and more states are giving the internal combustion engine an end date.

Norway, France and Great Britain, among others, want to say goodbye to the internal combustion engine, albeit at different speeds. While Norway does not want to allow new combustion cars from 2025, France plans to take this step in 2040. Britain also originally planned to adopt combustion vehicles in 2040, but now wants to advance it to 2035. However, this step could also be necessary for EU countries that have not yet decided to adopt combustion engines.

Because the EU wants to become climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this goal, the last combustion engine would have to roll off the assembly line by 2040 at the latest due to a car’s lifespan, often at least ten years, provided that alternative fuels do not provide vehicles with COtwo– It can help create a neutral future.

Even earlier, manufacturers increasingly needed low-CO vehiclestwo-Emissions to comply with the increasingly stringent EU limit values, which are now going to be tightened again. This is how the EU wants the average COtwo– Reduce emissions from manufacturers’ vehicle fleets by 50 percent instead of 37.5 by 2030.

This goal will speed up the combustion engine’s exit even without a fixed exit date, because manufacturers need an EV share of around 50 percent. Achieving this is a difficult task for all classic manufacturers, says Klaus Schmitz of consultancy Arthur D. Little. “But this challenge is more feasible than it seems to many today,” Schmitz said.

At the Mercedes, BMW and Volkswagen factories, however, the prospect of an end to the core of German automotive art also raises fears. Depending on how the transformation unfolds, tens of thousands of jobs are at stake. The success of the economic transition to a new automotive world also depends on how many parts of the electric car production chain are in Europe.

Which countries want to end the combustion engine and when? Here is the overview:

Icon: The mirror
