Cabinet decision: a good four billion for German hospitals


In order to implement modern emergency capabilities and digitization projects, German hospitals must receive billions in additional money. The cabinet also decided to help with the care.

Hospitals in Germany will receive an investment package of around four billion euros. The Federal Cabinet resolved the corresponding draft of the “Law of the Hospital Future”. The federal government will provide three billion euros, the states should invest another 1.3 billion euros.

Now is the first time in decades that the federal government has used its own budget for hospitals. But: “German hospitals and clinics need an investment boost,” said Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU). So far, the investment funds of the federal states, which are basically responsible for this, have not covered the real needs, although it has improved over the years.

However, you don’t want to blame Spahn, instead, together with the federal states and sponsors, we make hospitals future-proof. The pandemic once again demonstrated how important a well-functioning healthcare system is, Spahn emphasized.

Money mainly for digital infrastructure

Investments in emergency capabilities and digital infrastructure are funded, including patient portals, electronic documentation of care and treatment services, digital drug management, IT security measures, and telemedicine network structures.

The future hospital fund can also finance necessary personnel measures and transnational projects.

Countries can now submit applications

The status of digitization will be assessed in 2021 and 2023. Therefore, the fund will be established at the Federal Social Security Office and will be financially supported by the federal government, federal states and agencies from January 2021. Federal states can submit funding requests now and until the end of 2021. “All of this can and should be funded quickly,” Spahn said. The unsolicited funds will be returned to the federal government in late 2023.

In addition, the existing hospital structure fund will be extended for two years until 2024. In the event of a decrease in revenue due to the crown, hospitals can individually agree on compensation with health insurers. Surcharges can also be agreed for additional costs related to the crown, for example for protective clothing. In the area of ​​nursing care, essential regulations for financial relief and support that were previously limited are expanding. Therefore, the law does not require the approval of the Bundesrat and is expected to enter into force in October this year.

Extension of the reserve parachute for care

It should also be legally regulated by October that the rescue umbrella for care extends to March 31, 2021. Benefits were initially limited to September 30.

Specifically, nursing homes must be immediately reimbursed for the costs of additional protective equipment, such as masks and suits. Households can also call in external staff or hire overtime, although this is regulated differently in their contracts. If a household cannot accept new people in need of care due to Corona, health insurance will reimburse contributions for accommodation, meals and personal contribution.

On the other hand, it is not advisable to extend the regulations according to which the attention reports must be made in the facilities according to the status of the file.

Greater support also for family caregivers

The cabinet also brought help for their family members who cared for them. They can continue to take 20 business days without notice until the end of December if there has been an acute care case due to Covid-19. The care support allowance can be claimed for 20 days instead of the previous ten business days. More flexible regulations, such as a shorter notice period for family care leave, will also run through Dec. 31.

While the German Aid Association for the Aged and Disabled (VDAB) welcomed the decision as an important support for care facilities, the German Foundation for Patient Protection criticized the lack of help for home care.

“The three million people in need of care and their families will continue to be forgotten,” said board member Eugen Brysch. Simply increasing the support allowance for care from ten to 20 days is almost an affront. “Because the vast majority of family members who care for them are no longer employed.” Additionally, many short-term care, daycare, and preventive care facilities have collapsed.

Tagesschau24 reported on this issue on September 2, 2020 at 12:00 pm
