BZ answers the most important questions about the holiday ban – BZ Berlin


Can Berliners only vacation in Germany with a crown test that is no longer than 48 hours?

On Tuesday night, the Senate announced Corona’s new rules: including curfew and a ban on alcohol, which take effect Saturday. The following bad news on Wednesday: Most federal states agreed to ban accommodation for tourists from the crown risk areas of inland Germany.

BZ answers the most important questions:

Which districts are already considered risk zones in Berlin?

Five districts have passed the 50-incident mark since Wednesday night (infected per 100,000 residents in seven days). The negatively prominent outright favorite is Neukölln with an incidence of 95.5, followed by Mitte with 70.5. In Tempelhof-Schöneberg the incidence is 65.5, in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg it is 58.2. Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf has also exceeded the limit, at 50.6.

In which federal states can I no longer travel as a Berliner?

Schleswig-Holstein wants to see Berlin as a whole from Friday. Then it is enough to present a negative corona test that is no more than 48 hours old when you arrive at a hotel or holiday apartment, for example to spend your autumn holidays in the North Sea or Baltic Sea. Family visits or daily trips to work for business purposes are excluded. In Bavaria, the accommodation ban will apply from Thursday to travelers from Corona hotspots within Berlin.

Does Berlin also plan to ban accommodation for domestic travelers?

According to Senate spokeswoman Melanie Reinsch, this is not the case: “Each federal state has to make a decision for itself on how to contain the pandemic.” At the RBB “Abendschau”, however, the ruling mayor Michael Müller (55, SPD) announced: “We will closely observe how the numbers develop in Bavaria. For weeks we didn’t get reliable test results from Bavaria because they were neglected. We’ll look at it to see if we have to respond. “

also read

► Prohibition of holidays for Germans from risk areas of Corona

►Berlin wants to continue allowing the entry of guests from the risk areas of Corona

Could Berlin soon become a risk zone as a whole city?

Yes. The incidence value for the capital was 47.2 on Wednesday night. If it goes above 50, Berlin can be declared a risk zone.

What values ​​were increasing?

In the age group 20-24, the seven-day incidence shot up to 106.7! For young people aged 15 to 19 it rose to 92.1 and for those aged 25 to 29 to 86. The number of patients treated in the hospital also increased further, to 142. Of these, 42 patients are currently in care intensive. Another patient has passed away. That means there are 232 deaths.

Is it allowed to receive a pizza after 11 pm despite the curfew?

Probably not. Many delivery services do not have their own dining room, but according to the Dehoga industry association, they are still subject to the Catering Act.

Are drive-ins allowed to open after 11pm?

Probably not either. This would mean that fast restaurants avoid curfew. It would also be unfair to gas stations that cannot sell food or alcohol after 11pm

Does the curfew also apply to pharmacies?

No. “During this time, pharmacies can dispense common drugs and pharmaceuticals,” the Senate said.

Will the curfew stay in Berlin forever?

No. According to the Senate, the new rules will apply from midnight on Saturday until the end of October. But if the number of infected people is increasing as fast as now, it is likely to spread, and even further tighten the measures.

What about the shops and restaurants that open despite the curfew?

You face a fine of at least 5000 euros! Y: They are closed by the authorities. “And not just for tonight,” said Judicial Senator Dirk Behrendt (49, Greens).
