Bundestag on Moria’s politics: “Low on human rights”


150 out of around 12,000: Germany only wants to take in a few minors from the Moria camp. In the Bundestag, the left spoke of a “low point in human rights”, the SPD proposed a “federal admission program”.

How to deal with migrants from the burning camp of Moria in Lesbos? Interior Minister Horst Seehofer wants to host between 100 and 150 unaccompanied refugees. The situation on the Greek island was also a problem in the Bundestag at the request of the Left Party.

The SPD called on Seehofer to drop resistance to the admission of refugees in federal states and municipalities that are willing to do so. “Put your heart over the obstacle,” Ute Vogt, an insider inside the SPD, told Minister. She announced a “federal admission program” in which municipalities and states could participate voluntarily.

AfD talks about arson

The leader of the left-wing parliamentary group, Dietmar Bartsch, criticized the admission of up to 150 minors as insufficient. Refugee camps like Moria are “the lowest point of our time in terms of human rights,” Bartsch said. “The 150 people you want to host now won’t change that at all.” The EU should no longer be a place of human cold, he said. The left-wing parliamentary group demanded that Germany take in the 12,000 people made homeless by the fires in Moria, if they do not want to go to other countries that are willing to take them.

Green MP Luise Amtsberg demanded that the refugees from the burned camp be distributed to other EU countries. “There is no alternative,” she said. “People need help immediately.”

AfD MP Gottfried Curio categorically refused to bring refugees from Moria to Germany. This would be a “bottomless pit,” he said. Rather, migrants must be returned to their countries of origin. He called the Moria refugees “arsonists” and “fire demons.”

Seehofer: Avoid situations like 2015

In the debate, the federal interior minister referred to the large influx of refugees in 2015: “I take the phrase ‘2015 must not and must not be repeated’ very seriously,” said Seehofer. If Germany were to host refugees again without European coordination, “2015 will be repeated and there will be no European solution.” At best, he considers “selective” recordings possible in emergency situations, as now after the fire in the Greek camp of Moria. But on-site help is important.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert also said that the priority now is to welcome migrants “better and more dignified than before.” People are in a “terrible situation”. “The images of refugees and migrants camping in the street, often entire families, who had to spend the night like this, affect everyone.”

In the next week, according to Seehofer, the federal government wants to start tackling the most pressing issues for a common EU asylum policy as part of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Assistants’ criticism

Aid organizations criticize federal government policy: Pro Asyl and other social and welfare organizations asked Chancellor Angela Merkel in an open letter to seek a solution for all migrants in the Greek islands. “A concerted European rescue plan, immediate evacuation of refugees and acceptance of people in Germany and other European countries is needed now,” the letter says.

The organizations recalled that in Germany the federal states and hundreds of municipalities had agreed to accept refugees voluntarily. “These efforts must no longer be blocked, they must be supported and expanded.” The reference to a European solution should not delay German action.
