Bundestag members insulted: politicians demand coherent action against AfD policy


Members of the AfD parliamentary group smuggled the protesters into parliament on Wednesday, even though Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble had ordered stricter security measures.

The aim of AfD-affiliated rioters and right-wing media activists: to intimidate parliamentarians before the vote on the new Infection Protection Law. They also tried to break into the parliamentarians’ offices. The right-wing YouTuber should also have tried to break into the rooms of the leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, and the leader of the Union parliamentary group, Ralph Brinkhaus. That was reported by the newspaper “Bild” in the evening.

In all parliamentary groups there was talk of an unbearable attack on parliamentary democracy and the Bundestag as a constitutional body. In the end, the Bundestag police had to intervene. The council of elders will deal with the incidents on Thursday.

“If it turns out that AfD parliamentarians have given access to the Reichstag to people who have specifically exerted pressure on parliamentarians or prevented them from fulfilling their mandate obligations, that should have consequences,” said the group’s first parliamentary managing director. MP FDP. Marco Buschmann, German Press Agency (dpa). “That would be very little parliamentary. We will investigate the matter in any case in the council of elders. “

AfD deputy Udo Hemmelgarn had confirmed that one of the guests, about whose behavior there were complaints, had been registered on him on Wednesday, the faction’s spokesman, Marcus Schmidt, confirmed on Thursday at the request of the dpa. The group now wants to clarify who may have misbehaved and which guests were invited by the individual members.

“At least an administrative offense, if it is not a crime”

German Bundestag Vice President Petra Pau (Die Linke) said on Deutschlandfunk on Thursday morning that it was “at least an administrative offense, if not a crime”, allowing visitors to put pressure on freely elected MPs.

They assume that the Bundestag police have already seen the video documenting the incidents. Investigative investigations must be resolved. Pau is also a member of the council of elders.

The Vice President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP), also considers the harassment of parliamentarians by visitors to be coerced on the sidelines of the debate on the Infection Protection Law. Ask for consequences for the deputies involved.

“I assume that this case will not only be dealt with in the Council of Elders,” the FDP politician told the German Press Agency in Berlin. “Sensitive sanctions should also be considered for the parliamentarians involved.”

Kubicki told dpa that it had happened again that parliamentarians had become the “door openers for political agitators.” “In this case, however, the deterioration of parliamentary operations is particularly dangerous.

Because by addressing the deputies directly in relation to the vote on the Infection Protection Act, coercion can be assumed. “

Crime under Section 106 of the Penal Code?

An offense is possible under article 106 of the Penal Code, which deputies can also incite or instigate. “This will have to be looked at seriously,” Kubicki said.

Article 106 deals with the coercion of the federal president and the members of a constitutional body. As a sanction, it provides prison sentences from three months to five years and in particularly serious cases up to ten years.

The leader of the green parliamentary group Katrin Göring-Eckardt accused the AfD of being “the stirrup-holder of those who destroy democracy.” “Anyone who allows rioters into the Bundestag so that democratically elected deputies are harassed and intimidated is attacking our parliamentary democracy,” Göring-Eckardt told the RND newspaper.

The leader of the parliamentary trade union group Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) said on Thursday in the ZDF “Morgenmagazin” that it was right that the Bundestag council of elders was now dealing with the incidents. But he wasn’t used to any other AfD behavior, Brinkhaus said.

Protesters harassed members of the Bundestag

Everything suggests that some rioters reached the Bundestag through the AfD deputy, Udo Hemmelgarn. AfD MP Petr Bystron is said to be involved in the incident.

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A YouTube broadcast from Hemmelgarn’s parliamentary office shows three people. He then harassed members of the Bundestag. Hemmelgarn himself told the Tagesspiegel that he did not know the people. He could not say whether the people were registered for a visit to the Bundestag through his office.

Right-wing Youtubers in the AfD MP’s office.Screenshot: Tsp

The Youtuber thanked the AfD MP employee in the video, who “took good care of him” today. He later explained that Hemmelgarn was “the gentleman who has one of the two self-charged.” Hemmelgarn has been accused repeatedly in the past of being close to the Reich Citizens Movement.

The Youtuber is a right-wing media activist from Dresden, the woman next to him is, according to the information, from the AfD team YouTuber Stefan Bauer. Thorsten Schulte, an AfD-affiliated ideological conspiracy journalist known as the “silver boy,” was there.

Right-wing activist Rebecca Sommer can also be seen in the video, accompanied by Schulte. He filmed political women in the corridors of the Bundestag and abused them.

Announcement by telegram

Schulte had already announced on Tuesday through the short message channel Telegram that he would go to the Bundestag despite strict security requirements. In his post, he had also circulated the letter from the Bundestag administration on the stricter access restrictions and declared that he would still work in the Bundestag on Wednesday for “freedom and self-determination against these drooling Merkel.”

There is even more evidence that Schulte may have worked with MP Hemmelgarn to gain access to the Bundestag and avoid security precautions. On Wednesday morning he had already posted several videos on Telegram showing him and the AfD politician together on the brink of the demonstration against the amendment to the Infection Protection Act.

Representatives of other political groups said the incident was gruesome. In reality, the visiting regulations are completely suspended for security reasons. Nor can it be that visitors without parliamentarians or their employees and without control are in the Bundestag and harass others. This is prohibited due to crown requirements.
