Bund-Länder Summit: The trend is set, it will be openings


DThe call for openings in the corona pandemic comes from many sides: shortly before the next federal-state summit, the expectation that the blockade will be gradually lifted increases, and with it the political pressure on state leaders and the Federal Chancellor . The trend in the online negotiations next Wednesday is marked: it will be openings, but the central aspects are uncertain: What areas are next on the line and when?

Exact times are likely to be difficult due to the spread of virus mutations, worsening incidence values, and the prognosis of a third wave. At the same time, surveys show that the population is losing acceptance of the current restrictions.

By the federal states governed by the SPD there were several attempts to open plans during the weekend. The president of the Prime Minister’s Conference, the mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, distanced himself from the non-Covid strategy. This is the correct goal from a health perspective, but it cannot be the only criterion, because this strategy threatens “fatal consequences” in the areas of social affairs, education and the economy. He also wants to reach incidence of ten. The question is: “Do I want to achieve this in a complete lockdown or try to make some things possible along the way?” Müller told the “Tagesspiegel”.

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The Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, spoke of a “perspective plan”. After schools and kindergartens, as well as hair salons, it is now about prospects for commerce and culture. They will also talk about alfresco dining and the opening of hotels and vacation apartments. “However, a perspective plan does not mean that everything will be open tomorrow,” emphasized the Social Democrat in the “Saarbrücker Zeitung”.

The support came from the Federal Minister of Finance and the SPD’s top candidate, Olaf Scholz, who spread “the hope that things will improve and that we can move forward little by little in opening up” at Deutschlandfunk. Vaccination can help “so that soon we can return to a more normal life.” More opportunities for testing should be created in businesses, doctors’ offices and pharmacies.

The time horizon is Easter

In response to a request from WELT in parliamentary groups, the desire for openings predominates, but with varying degrees of intensity. The health policy spokesperson for the Union’s parliamentary group, Karin Maag (CDU), stressed that the opening of schools and nurseries that had already taken place had to be assessed.

“I assume that the MPK will be on very cautious openings with the outlook for Easter, depending on the incidence and a quick test strategy. Facilitating family contacts should have the highest priority, ”Maag said.

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The nursing policy spokesperson for the Green parliamentary group, Kordula Schulz-Asche, demanded “that finally a uniform step-by-step plan be drawn up at the national level that can be implemented according to the regional infection rate.”

There is no interdisciplinary anti-pandemic council that justifies, supports and scientifically evaluates the measures. Germany needs “after a chaotic year a comprehensive and democratically legitimized strategy to emerge from the pandemic,” Schulz-Asche said. This includes the participation of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat.

In the opinion of the First Parliamentary Managing Director of the FDP Group, Marco Buschmann, two things are decisive: “First, a transparent and reliable opening strategy, ideally in the form of a step-by-step plan based on the regional pandemic. And secondly, improvements in the vaccination campaign, especially in terms of acquisition, vaccination and programming ”. The chancellor must discuss her ideas with parliament before the MPK round.

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The leader of the left-wing parliamentary group, Dietmar Bartsch, expects a “strategy based on objective criteria, a step-by-step plan not based on calendar dates, but on R-value, intensive care bed occupancy, incidence value, rate of vaccination, rapid testing, this broken down to the level of districts and cities. “Don’t face” another competition that outbid, who has the quickest opening strategy, or who is the most consistent adjusting agent. “

The most drastic request for opening was made by the leader of the AfD parliamentary group Alice Weidel: “The federal and state governments must change their strategy in the fight against Corona and end the closure immediately.” Particularly vulnerable groups of people must be protected and at the same time The time offered by vaccination for everyone who wants to be vaccinated voluntarily must be massively expanded.

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The president of the German District Assembly, Reinhard Sager, is promoting a regionally differentiated strategy. The first opening steps in individual districts could very well be justified, he told WELT AM SONNTAG. The federal government and state leaders should be more aware of the local situation.

Can’t wait until the values ​​are low everywhere. In addition, neighboring municipalities and federal states could coordinate. The German Association of Cities and Municipalities proposed a “Corona emergency brake”. In this way, openings could be reversed in case of “dramatic developments”.
